Kobra Kid x Reader - The Only Hope For Me Is You (Part Two)

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If you were honest, you had expected the Fabulous Killjoys to kick you out the next day, or at least after your wounds had healed. But when you brought up the topic of leaving one morning, not wanting to exploit their hospitality any longer, they had protested wildly. Most of all Kobra, who had turned white as a sheet for a moment before he jumped up and started to explain that he wanted you to stay, that they wanted you to stay. It seemed to have slipped your attention that the four men considered you already part of the group. Of course you did not turn down such an offer. You liked them all, they were sweet, caring, but sometimes incredibly stubborn and imprudent people, but they had the heart in the right spot, especially Kobra.

It seemed like the blond haired Killjoy was burned into your mind. Since your first night with them, his words kept echoing in your mind. 'Sweet dreams' and 'Dream of me' were whispered ghosts that chased you through the day and the last thing you thought about before falling asleep at night. Not that you minded it, in fact you loved the intimate gesture he had payed you that evening, just getting him out of your head was difficult. Now that the Killjoys were back to their daily business, Kobra did not spend much time with you anymore, and rarely a moment alone. But the moments that you had just to yourselves were filled with tension, that neither of you knew how to get rid of, both of you too shy to confront the other about it.

It was a quiet day out in zone six. Heavy clouds that promised silently the next acid rain hung in the sky, growing darker and more dangerous with every hour, but were not ready to break. You had taken the opportunity to spend some time outside, practicing your shooting. Victims were some of the empty power pup cans you had found in the garage next to the diner.

You lifted your ray gun in the air and aimed at the cans you had lined up on a log several meters away. You knew you were no bad shot, but there was still a lot to improve. You took a deep breath and fired the weapon, missing the can you had aimed for by several inches. You were not very surprised by the outcome so instead of being upset, you aimed again, this time missing the can only by half an inch. The next shot missed its destination again.

"You are too hectic," a calm voice right behind you stated.

You did not have to turn around to know that it was Kobra, but you did anyway, meeting his gaze questioningly.

"And you can do it better," you asked sarcastically, knowing fully well that he probably really was better at shooting.

Without giving you an answer he took the ray gun from your hand, his thumb shortly brushing over your fingers, sending a shiver through you. With what seemed just a moment of aiming, he pulled the trigger. A few meters away the empty can got propelled through the air as the beam hit it. Slowly Kobra lowered the gun.

"First of all, you need to calm down during aiming, you are too eager to hit the mark," he told you, "instead of straightening your arm, bend it a little. You'll shake a lot less."

Without a warning he stepped close to you and turned you so your back was being pressed against his chest. His right hand, which was still holding the gun, searched for your hand and gently placed the weapon in it before he wrapped his fingers around yours and lifted the weapon. Your heart was beating faster at the unexpected body contact, but you allowed him to guide you. His other hand was resting on your waist. His mouth was close to your neck and you felt him breathing against your skin. How were you supposed to concentrate when he was so close to you?

"And don't lower the gun immediately after shooting, wait until a second after," he whispered, his nose brushing against the shell of your ear.

In the door to the diner, Fun Ghoul watched Kobra and you, a quiet snickering leaving his lip.

"How long until they finally get they got a thing for each other," he asked, rolling his eyes and turning back to Jet and Party.

"He's just a shy guy, he'll figure something out," Jet answered without looking up from the magazine he was reading.

Party looked out of the window, studding the smile on his brother's face that lit up as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders in celebration of hitting the can.

"I haven't seen him smile this much in years," he mumbled, tearing the glance away from his brother. "She's good for him, I'm happy that he's happy."

Jet and Ghoul nodded in agreement, focusing back on their work, giving the two of you some more privacy.

Kobra definitely had no problem with you hugging him every time you hit a can, so he made sure always to stand close behind you. And since Kobra did not seem to object to your affectionate behavior, you continued hugging him.

It happened almost out of nowhere when the clouds suddenly broke and bitter drops of acid started dropping into the sand around you. You had just shot the last can successfully so Kobra grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into the garage just in time before a huge amount of water and acid fell from the sky. You stared out into the rain, watching as the liquid formed an almost solid seeming wall between the garage and the diner. You were not prepared for the soft, but strong hands that suddenly grabbed tightly onto your waist and a moment later you were pulled into Kobra's chest. His warm eyes started down on you, his blond hair was brushed out of his face. Curiously he studied your face for a moment, before he slowly lent down and connected his lips to yours.

Your heart felt like it was leaping into your throat and the ray gun you were still holding, slipped out of your fingers, and hit the dust to your feet. You kissed back, not really knowing how to do that, since the Helium War and the life as an outlaw in the desert had kind of taken the chances away of getting a lot of experience in that matter. But whatever you did seemed to be fine for Kobra, because he pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss slightly. You responded immediately and imitated his slow and careful, but passionate, movements, wrapping your fingers in his silky hair.

When he pulled away, his cheeks were reddened and he was smiling the softest smile you had ever seen.

"You mean the world to me," he whispered, his brightly shimmering eyes locked with yours.

Instead of answering you pulled him in for a second kiss and you could feel him smirk against your lips.

Since the rain seemed to last a little longer, the two of you cuddled into a blanket you had found in a corner of the garage and watched as the water turned the sand into mud. In the diner the other three Killjoys kept their fingers crossed for Kobra and you to finally confess your feelings.

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