chapter eight- paper packages

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Dear Christina,
I haven't been expelled yet. I know right, a shocking fact. It's actually okay here, I've made a couple of friends and the teachers aren't too bad I suppose, although I don't know how you and Grey put up with seven years here. Hopefully I won't get expelled though, it's the best school I've been to yet.

Please tell me how the search for Mum and Dad went ( the most recent ones ) and whether Fudge still thinks  it's ridiculous to continue to searches for them. You know it's not! Mum and dad have to be out there somewhere, two people can't just vanish without trace.


LIANA placed her quill back down in the ink pot in the library as she studied her handiwork.

Not too shabby, she congratulated herself as she sat back in her seat, giving her hands a quick shake from the cramp of holding her quill for so long, poised over the parchment as she had wondered what to even say to her sister. The two weren't exactly close, they had never seen eye to eye on anything.

In fact Liana could clearly remember last summer when she and Christina had fought over Liana's schooling and Christina had kicked her out, leaving Liana to wander the streets for hours before Grey had found her and taken her back home to reconcile.

She blew gently on the wet ink to dry it before she folded the letter and scrawled Christina's name across the front, making a mental note to send it later as she stuffed it back into her bag.

Other than the letter, she hadn't really got another task to do, so, she decided to go annoy her brother.

Grey Holly was a carefully reserved person by nature. Quite shy and introverted really with no real thirst for wild adventures like both his sister. But he often found his peace disturbed by his sisters.

Liana got to her feet and strode through the library purposefully, her bag swinging as she walked.

When she got outside the library she paused to consider her options of where to go to find Grey.

There were only two places she was certain he'd be, the first was the herbology green houses. He was a avid botanist and would spend pointless hours studying plants and flowering bushes, secondly the only other option she could think of was the kitchens. He also shared her love for food and warm places so he liked to do his homework there.

She understood that the kitchens replicated a place for both him and her like home, Liana felt rather attached to the kitchens at Hogwarts after all she could barely remember a time where she hadn't lived in a cold London apartment.

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