54-Muddy Knees

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SUNDAY morning dawned wet and cold for Liana Holly who stood on the Quidditch pitch, clutching her broom in one hand and a tennis ball in the other. Her practise for the Quidditch team was going surprisingly well and Liana had found that she was quite quick on a broom and she had wickedly fast reflexes. Although she still hadn't managed to master landing correctly, she tended to just roll off her broom onto the grass.

She wiped the mud off her leg with one hand as she clambered to her feet for the seventh time that morning, squinting towards the school as it began to drizzle with light rain now.

"Just perfect," she muttered under her breath. Quidditch tryouts were later that day and she didn't want it to be raining during them, she was having enough trouble getting off her broom as it was, she didn't need to be slipping off it as well.

Liana sighed and decided to head in to the great hall, where a nice piece of toast and a hot chocolate would certainly warm her up and improve her grumpy mood.

Clutching her broom, she began to slowly walk back towards the school in the distance but stopped at once as she spotted a familiar figure only a few feet away. Harry looked like he been there for a little while now and Liana grimaced as she realised he'd probably seen her roll off her broom and onto the ground.

"Hi Harry," Liana smiled, trying to be civil, although her fist was clenched so tightly around her broom that her knuckles had begun to turn white. She tried to ignore the image of him and Cho that resurfaced in her mind.

"Hey Liana," Harry gave her a nervous smile. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, eyeing her broom in almost envy, knowing his was still locked away in the castle.

"Practicing," Liana answered shortly.

"For what?" Harry encouraged, raising his eyebrows. Liana frowned at him as he chose to ignore her blatant attempt to end the conversation.

"I'm trying out for the quidditch team since you got kicked off ," Liana replied, running a hand through her damp hair. Harry looked very conflicted now as his green eyes flitted between the broom and Liana.

"Alright then," he answered finally, but Liana thought she could hear some annoyance in his voice.

"Look, I wasn't the one who got kicked off the team so why shouldn't I? Plus I'm getting back at Umbridge at the same time and I doubt I'm good enough to make it on anyway," Liana explained, rolling her eyes at Harry's face.

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