99- Aragog's Funeral

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LIANA HOLLY had a great deal to consider as she stood hovering rather uncomfortably in Professor Dumbledore's office the following evening.

She rather wished she had never asked for help at all just to avoid these awkward encounters. Silence ticked by and Professor Dumbledore simply sat staring at the door, as if expecting someone else. Mere seconds later however, Liana nearly leaped out of her skin when Harry came barrelling through the door, cheeks flushed and eyes wide.

"You said it was urgent Professor?!" Demanded Harry at once, panting slightly from the exertion of his race to the office. Dumbledore smiled to himself with self satisfaction.

"Thank you for your prompt arrival Mr Potter, with flare as always." Harry turned scarlet as this and suddenly became fascinated with a clump of mud upon his scuffed school shoes. He edged towards Liana, his eyes meeting hers in the low candle light of the office. Liana found herself swallowing heavily as she recalled their antics from yesterday afternoon and was forced to look away, an intense fire flaming up within her stomach. She glanced down at her bare arms and could see the goosebumps decorating her skin.

"You may be wondering why I asked you here today Miss Holly and Mr Potter-" Began Professor Dumbledore, folding his hands gravely upon the surface of his desk.

"If this is about the broken jaw or anything McGons has said, it's all just rumours Professor I can assure you," Liana cut in confidently. Professor Dumbledore simply raised an eyebrow and Harry lifted his toe to give her a not so subtle kick at the ankles. Liana pursed her lips and found the colour of her complexion now matched Harry's.

"Sorry, definitely not what we're here for," she realised and fell silent once again, rather hoping the ground would swallow her up as she swayed on the spot.

"There is something I need Miss Holly. Something you both need as well. Professor Slughorn is harbouring a memory, one of great importance. Mr Potter is already filled in on the situation and I'm sure he will get you up to speed promptly. However, I must ask that you now work together on this task," Professor Dumbledore clambered to his feet and began to pace around his office with the kind of anxiety that made Liana uneasy.

As the elderly teacher turned to stare deep into her eyes, she became awfully aware of how frail he looked. Deep fissures sunken into his sallow skin, loops of darkness under his eyes and a strange manic twinkle dancing in his irises. Liana shivered but nodded to show she was listening, but she couldn't help the alarm buried in her heart at his deterioration.

"There is no time to be lost, you must go at once. Time is ticking for us all." Dumbledore interrupted Liana's thoughts with his command.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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