Winter Special

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~Same Night As Previous Chapter~

Jungkook's POV

We work late into the night, going over steps, dissecting the meaning behind the routine as well. Multiple times I ask him to return to the barre so I can point out exactly where he's making his mistakes.

"Lift gracefully." I say sharply as I come behind him, making slight changes to his posture. I watch as he transitions from behind flatfooted to the tips of his toes, his arm shaking as he holds tight to the barre.

"Like this?" He asks, his voice strained slightly.

I sigh, taking his hand from the barre and placing into onto my left forearm. "Stop shaking so hard. Be confident in your transition."

I can hear him gulp as he nervously grips my arm tighter.

I know he will do his best to put less weight onto my arm, which is good. I don't want him to have any crutches for this routine.

~45 Minutes Later~

"Good~" I mumble as I circle around him, watching his sweating figure. "Slowly as you transition into the leap." I coach quietly and I'm pleased to see him pull it off well.

As he slowly brings the routine to a close, he is forced to compensate for the lack of having a partner.

You see, in the original performance, The Ice Dance is a couples routine, only Mr. Park's sad and lonely take on the whole thing is highly intriguing. So rather than him having the girl by his side, and kissing her, he reaches out into nothing, before slowly falling to the floor.

"Perfect!" I smile widely, rushing to help him off the floor. "Your transitions were perfectly timed. You were beautiful." I almost gasp as I realize what I've said to him. Just then I realize we're standing a bit too close, and I step away. "By that I mean, you've done well at memorizing it all." I give him a quick, weak smile before turning my attention to my phone.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon." He pants, looking slightly worried that I will regret helping him.

"Right well, it's now 4 AM and I'm ready for sleep as I'm sure you also are, so how about we gather up our things and head out, yeah?"

"A-Absolutely." He smiles and sits down, taking off his shoes.

I can't help but peek at his sore feet, wondering whether or not they're doing better since...well...that night at my house.

"How are your feet?" I ask, secretly scolding myself for my weak will.

"O-Oh. They're doing okay. Your cream has helped a lot, and now that I've been dancing for so long, I'm stronger now so they hurt less."

"Good to know." I say nonchalantly.

A second later we're walking out of the studio together, I wait behind for him to leave first, holding the door for him.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jeon." He says again, bowing. "I really feel like you've helped me a lot. I think I'll be able to perform it a lot more confident now." He smiles sweetly and suddenly I'm blushing red hot.

"I-I don't know why." I snap, my natural self coming to my rescue. "Now I know how well you CAN do it, so if you don't perform it as well then I'll give you a lower score."

"Yeah...that's a good point." He chuckles, but it's obvious he's worried now. "But...I guess that's just a good reason for me to show you that I have good stamina, and I'll perform just as well for the Winter Special."

Bonjour//JikookWhere stories live. Discover now