Face It

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Taehyung's POV

I work hard in class, doing my best to ignore the glares from my friends. We haven't been in a good spot ever since I talked to Jimin and stopped hanging out with them. 

We're third years, which means that how I perform this year will effect the rest of my career as a dancer. Even though I'd like to go into directing rather than dancing, having the ability to dance under my belt will help me seem more capable to other companies. 

As class comes to a close, my teacher pulls me aside. 

"Mr. Taehyung, I've been happy to see that you're taking your classes more serious."

"Thank you." I say, smiling. 

"Listen, you know that we have the third year production coming up, but we also have a space of time before that where scouts will be coming from other companies." He explains. "I know you've been wanting to go into directing for some time, and I think if you create something new and have it here to show them, it could increase your chances of getting in a lot."

"Do you have any recommendations? I mean, what are they looking for specifically?"

"I'm not sure." He sighs. "It changes all the time. Though, I heard they're about to make a lot of changes to the company staff. I would suggest something new and attractive. So, rather than classical, appeal to their more modern tastes."

"Thank you." I say, smiling as I walk away. 

I wonder what I should do...
Though...whatever I decide to do, I know just the person I want to dance in it.

Jimin's POV

~Time Skip~

"Y-You want me to dance in your video?" I say, looking at Taehyung with wide eyes. He looks much better this week.

"Yes. I'm trying to attract scouts, and I think you'd be perfect for it. Not to mention, if they liked it, it would put in a good word for you as well." He explains. 

I think hard on his offer. Will Eunwoo be mad at me again if I work with him?...but..this is my future we're talking about, not just some crush feelings like before...

"Have you already decided the story and choreography?" I ask.

"Not yet. I've been playing around with a bunch of different ideas. But....." He looks at me cutely. "I'd really love some input." He gives me puppy dog eyes and I can't help but blush. "What do you say? Me, you, Mr. Jeon's studio around...let's say 7?"

I hope that means he's going to be the one to ask...because I seriously don't want to have to say the words, "can Taehyung and I use your studio tonight?". That would royally piss him off. 

"Deal. But you have to ask Mr. Jeon." 

"Ugh." He sighs, pretending to be in agony, and I can't help but laugh at him. "Okay, fiiine. I guess I'll go ask." He shrugs his bag over his shoulder, walking away from me. "Cya." He winks at me, waving. 

I blush and wave back.

Just then, I catch a glimpse of Eunwoo walking toward his locker, his eyes dark. 

"Hey, Eunwoo." I say gently. 

"O-Oh. Hey." He says, giving me a half smile, but he sounds distant.

"So um...I wanted to ask you something." I say, hoping that he'll even look at me. 

"K." He mumbles, putting a few things into his bag. 

Bonjour//JikookWhere stories live. Discover now