Under The Weather

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Jungkook's POV

With a big wide stretch, I slide out of bed and walk toward my bathroom to get ready for the first day of class. However, moments later the room is looking fuzzy and I'm laying on my face. 

Jimin's POV

Nervously, I comb my hair, making sure  to  look extra good. I don't want Mr. Jeon to be disappointed. From the day that he came to my house this Summer, then I started working, and...maybe starved myself a little. But I'm back to my regular weight now and I'm working on getting my strength back up too! 

Eunwoo's POV

My anxiety is sky high as memories of the Summer flood into my head. My hands can't stop shaking. I'm going to have to see Sehun again today. It's been a few months since we talked...after that night I ditched him. I haven't answered any texts, always turned him away when he came to my house, and always told  my family I was too sick to go to any company trips. SO, it's safe to say that I'm panicking... 

I mean, what would you say to a guy if he stuck it to you and then you ditched him?

...especially since he's always been a friend of mine...

Sehun's POV

I hate everyone and everything. This place smells like death. Everyone looks so excited and it makes  me wanna die. I swear if I have to look  at that puke face for a single second this year I'm gonna kill him. 

Sadly, I find that we're still roommates, so I might as well just start digging my grave at this point. 

I guess the only good  thing coming from this is now I can pin Eunwoo in a corner and force him to talk to me. 

I mean, you'd  want the guy you fucked to at least talk to you after right? 

Jimin's POV

I'm already stretching when Eunwoo gets there, and I can hardly wait for him to walk in the room. 

"Eunwoo!" I squeal, jumping  up and running to him to hug him.

"Jimin!" He smiles and hugs  me back tightly and it makes me feel good to know that we're  still friends even though we've been apart for so long. 

"So how was  your Summer?" I ask, walking with him while he puts his duffel bag away. 

"Uh...." He goes a little white for second before smiling at me awkwardly while obviously telling me a lie. "I-I spent most of the Summer s-sick actually 😅."

"O-Oh." I smile back at him, even though I know I'm going to corner  him and force him to tell me what happened. 

As we begin to stretch, I notice Sehun walk into the classroom and Eunwoo seems to look even whiter  than before. I wonder what's wrong with him...

"Hey, Sehun-"

"Ew."  He responds before I can even finish, glaring at me. 

Sigh...I guess this year he's planning to be just as mean. ;3;

~Time Skip~

The class is busily talking about their Summers', mourning the loss of students who didn't come back for Second Year, and creating lots of juicy gossip to kick the year off with a headache. 

We're all interrupted by two people entering the classroom, neither of which are Mr. Jeon. 

"Hello, Students."  The lady greets us coldly. She wears all black with her hair pulled into a tight  bun; a large mole sits on his right cheek.

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