Ch. 59 - By Your Side

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 ~ Chapter 59: By Your Side  ~

[ Jackie’s POV: ]

I can’t believe Justin would ask me out and then not show up. He didn’t even tell me where he planned on taking me, so I’m pretty much left in the dark with all this.

I sat down on my bed, checking my phone to see if he left any messages or called. But he didn’t. There was no sign of him.

I laid down on my back and hugged a pillow, staring at the ceiling as my mind went blank. I then wondered what it was that made him do this. Was there an emergency? Did he forget he already made plans with someone else when he asked me out? Or did he just simply forget about me? What if he’s hurt or something happened to him so he can’t contact me?

There’s so many possibilities that I don’t know whether to feel worried or just upset. But before I could give it another thought, there was a knock on my door.

“Go away, Robin,” I called out. “I want to be alone right now.”

There was silence and I heard a sigh before there was more knocking.

“Seriously, I don’t wanna talk at the moment.”

More silence.

“Come on, just open up,” Robin’s voice was faint.

“Why should I?” I said.

“Because you shouldn’t be moping,” she replied. “If Justin doesn’t show up, he clearly doesn’t deserve you.”

A few seconds later, I heard Robin quietly yelp out in pain. I sat up and stared at the shut door. “What happened?”

“N-Nothing, I..,” she let out a sigh. “Just open the door, Jackie, I need to tell you something.”

I pouted, “Fine.”

I released the pillow I held in a tight grip and stood up, walking towards the door and grabbing the knob. Twisting it slightly, I swung the door open to see Robin looking at me with a wide smile on her face.

“Finally,” she smiled even wider before stepping aside. My eyes widened when I noticed there was a person standing behind her.

“J-Justin,” I stuttered, awed at the fact that he was standing right in front of me. “But h-how?”

He wore a long-sleeve white shirt underneath a sexy short-sleeve and blue plaid shirt with black jeans that of course were sagging on his waist.

He looked gorgeous.

And it didn’t take long for me to gasp when I noticed that he was holding a bouquet of fancy-looking roses.

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