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Head canon: unbeknownst to the taskforce, L's a bit of a crybaby. He's just good at holding it all together when people are around.

"Are you JOKING"

You threw the TV remote across the room and marched over to the TV, looking around the back and seeing all the wires were fine, looks like the TV finally died. You sighed and unplugged it, it was small so it wasn't that hard to carry, you took it downstairs.

"Has it finally died?"

You jumped at the voice and turned to see Watari.

"Yeah, guess I won't be watching TV for a while" you replied, putting it down by the front doors.

"I'll inform Ryuzaki you need a new one"

"Thanks, I'll take it out tomorrow"

With that, you started to make your way upstairs, back to your room to go to bed. You decided to detour into the main room to say goodnight to L, you swung around the doorframe and found him with his head in his hands, looking very frustrated.

"You ok?" You asked, approaching him.

He jumped at the sound and picked his head up, wiping his eyes with his sleeves.

"Uh... Yeah" he replied.

Hold on? Was he... crying? Wow. You'd never seen L cry before.

You sat down next to him, suddenly worried.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"It's fine, everything's just going wrong today... it's nothing really"

You gave him a worried look, but he didn't take notice, maintaining a straight face as tears continued to fall. It was like there was a leak inside him, he spoke fine and kept a straight face but the tears didn't stop.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

You knew he wouldn't give in.

"Well... if you wanna talk, I'm probably gonna he awake all night" you said, ruffling his hair and heading out to your room.

You were worried but you knew L, he said wasn't the kind to talk about himself, if he wanted to, he's come to you. You just have to give him time and let him know the offer is open.

You sat on your bed and wrapped the blankets over your head and shoulders, trying to keep as warm as you could. Now that you had to working TV, you had to find some other means of entertainment, if your phone wasn't dead, you'd go watch something on that.

Out of boredom you began to stack your pillows into a little cave, creating a little fortress of soft to keep warm in. You leaned back into it and looked up at the glow in the dark planets on your roof, making a mental note to get more so you could make a galaxy on your roof. Yeah you were a fully grown adult but that doesn't mean you can't have little glowing stars and planets on your roof.

You saw the door open in your peripheral vision as turned to face it, seeing L.

You knew he'd come around, even the most stubborn of people can get all soft when they're sad. He didn't say anything, just gave you a sad look. You held out your arms for him, to which he responded by crawling into them. Huh, you didn't think he'd actually accept the hug, him being L and all. He's not very touchy-feely. You wrapped your arms and the blankets around him.

He didn't say anything, maybe he just needed a hug. Maybe nothing was going wrong and he was just having a bad day. His tears were soaking through your shirt but you didn't care.

He wasn't sobbing or anything, just shedding some tears and feeling kind of down. He laughed a little.

"I'm such a crybaby..." he said.

"Crybaby? I've literally never seen you cry until now" you replied.

"I do this all the time, when I think too much about the future and get all scared, that just leads to the smallest things setting me off and bad luck seems to loom over me for the rest of the day... I just don't let it out in front of the taskforce, but you caught me red handed so I guess the cats out of the bag"

"Don't worry, I'm a total crybaby too... I cry over everything. Once I had a meltdown over a necklace"

"A necklace?"

"A necklace, it didn't have any special meaning or anything, but the charm chipped and I just started crying for some reason" you laughed.

You gently rubbed his back, holding him tighter.

"But hey, crying is ok. It's healthy. And apparently tears are good for your skin" you said.

"Maybe that's why I don't get acne..."

You laughed at his response and he cuddled up closer to you, a smile on his face, replacing the frown from earlier.

"You always make me feel better for some reason..."  he said.

You felt kind of honoured at his words.

"I'm always here, no matter what"

L's a crybaby, but so are you, and that's ok. Crying is just something you need sometimes, sometimes you can't help it. And even if he had a meltdown over a pencil, you'd still be there to calm him down.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now