Moriarty x Male!Reader

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A/n this has domestic violence, abuse, and strong language in it so if that is triggering for you please don't read. If you do though, I hope you enjoy. :)

~Your POV~
I was sitting on the couch watching television when I hear the handle of the door jingle, next I hear keys drop and a loud "God damn it!" From the other side of the door. I turn off the T.V. then go open it, and of course it is none other then Rory (sorry if your name is Rory) drunk again, like every night, and bitchy.
"Where the hell is my food?" He slurs.
"I didn't think you were coming home tonight so I didn't make anything."
I step aside to let him in and close the door behind him.
"Go make me some food for God's sake you bitch!"
"What is that supposed to mean!"
"Oh shut up woman, just go make me some damn food!"
"What did you say?"
"You heard me."
This, now that I look back on it was a tremendous mistake.
I am now standing in an ally calling Jim, my best friend. There is blood dripping down the side of my face, and bruises littering my body. Jim finally picks up the phone.
"Hey Jim, how are you?"
"(Y/n)? Is that you? How are you?"
"I'm..." I sigh into the phone and start crying.
"(Y/n)! What's wrong? Was it Rory?"
I suck in a breath and try to calm down.
"Yes, it was Rory...I'll tell you what happened later, could you just come pick me up, please...?"
Forty five minutes later I am at Jim's
Mansion standing on his door step. I hear feet inside running to the door and when it opens Jim is standing there out of breath just staring at me. I look at him and start crying again he grabs my hand and pulls me inside. He hugs me close careful not to touch my face that is still bleeding.
"Hey it's okay." He says in his sweet Irish accent. I pull back from him and I see I got some blood on his jacket. I points at it and say "Jim I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your suit." He looks down then back up at me,
"Oh no it's okay. Come here, let's get you cleaned up."
He grabs my hand again and lead me to the bathroom slowly. When we get there he sits me down on the toilet seat and start rummaging around under the sink. He finally comes out with some alcohol wipes and opens them. He starts with my face and apologizes after I flinch at the sting. He finishes cleaning it and puts a bandage on it then starts cleaning up other little cuts along my arms, legs, and eventually chest when he has me take my shirt off.
"So how did this happen?" He asks me quietly.
"I didn't want to make dinner for him, because he called me a woman, and I stood up to him. When I said 'No' this was his response."
Jim nods and keeps cleaning up at the small cuts.
Half an hour later I am sitting on the couch and keep insisting that I don't need him to make me anything to eat and that I can do it on my own.
"No (Y/n), I'm not going to let you do anything tonight."
I sigh "fine."
He puts the pasta on the plate and covers it in an herb sauce then motions for me to get up and come over to the table. Jim has been so nice all night, he gave me some cloths to wear, some socks, let me take a shower, and is now feeding me. I smile slightly at him then sit down. He always makes me nervous, but not in a bad way, just kind of in a "I have a huge crush on you and want to impress you in every way possible" way.
"Jim, do you have a crush on anyone?"
I heard him cough and I look up, he puts his glass down and coughs again.
"Well yes, I could say I have a crush."
"Who is it?"
"I don't think you know them."
My heart drops a little but I keep insisting.
"Well what's their name? Maybe I have met them before."
He blushes a little, his cheeks turning red.
"(Y/n) please, I mean, I don't think you would know them, they are American."
"Hey I'm American! Maybe I have met them, there was this ni-"
"(Y/n) you're the person I have a crush on!" He finally blurts out.
I stare at him for a second and put my fork down. I sit up a little straighter
"Well that's convenient considering I have a crush on you too; well I think it's a little more then a crush."
He just kind of stares at me processing about what I said.
"I think I love you Jim."
He puts down his fork too and regains his composure pretty well.
"Well then I think it would only be right to call this dinner a date, if that is okay with you of course."
"It is perfectly okay with me."
We smile at each other and keep eating and talking through out the night.
A/n: #11. Sorry I mislabeled yesterday's it was supposed to say #10 not #11 but anyway I hope you enjoy the story because I did considering Jim is one of my two favorites. It's a tie between him and Mycroft. Anyway I hope it's not too bad :)

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