14th special

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A/n: Today is going to be a bit different. I know these stories will be short, but I hope you enjoy. And, not proofread.

1) Sherlock:
You pulled Sherlock out the flat to the curb of the street. Raising your hand you hailed a taxi. You pushed Sherlock in first and got in next to him.
"Do we have to do this?" He asked and you nodded.
When you arrived at the studio you got so excited.
You had signed Sherlock and yourself up for a dance class!
Throughout the entire lesson you and Sherlock tripped over each other endlessly. Though when it finished you were so happy, and Sherlock had to admit, he liked seeing you happy.
When you got home, you both ate dinner and went to bed.

2) Castiel:
Once you arrived at the complex, you explained to Castiel what you guys were doing. You were going to the batting cages! Now, Castiel had no idea what was happening so you figured you would make the speed slow at first and show him how to do it. You put on your own helmet then stuck one on Cass who thought it was inconvenient at least. You walked into the cage and let the machine pitch one. Then on the second one you hit it and it went pretty far. You taught Cass how to bat and everything. All in all, it was a pretty fun day.

3) Spock:
It had been forever since you took shore leave and you needed some new books, and you decided to make it into a date with Spock. When you hit to the book store you stated the rules.
1) choose a book you think the other will like.
2) buy it.
3) trade when we need up at the counter.
"Okay?" You asked Spock as he looked at you quizzically.
"Illogical but interesting. Okay." He replied. The two of you split.
When you came back together you had gotten Spock a chess strategy book, which he said was unnecessary yet interesting.
He had gotten you a graphic novel called "On A Sunbeam." It was much appreciated and very gay. Then the two of you went back to the ship to read your books.

4) Gorge Harrison:
You and George had been together for a while but you hadn't been in a date in a bit. He was always preoccupied with the bad and you were always at work. Usually when you got a moment off you both sleep, ate, or used the bathroom. Bit much time for anything else. So finally when you both got a weekend off, you were naturally elated. You begged him to go out to the local aquarium with you. He finally relented and soon you were on your way. The aquarium was beautiful, and even though you had been there before you still loved seeing all the fish. He bough you a little plushie, and they day ended up being amazing.

5) Davy Jones:
Davy was always tired after work, but he decided to suck it up one day and the two of you went out on a date to the local drive-in movie theater. You had no idea what movie they were playing, you though that it was some cheesy hallmark Valentine's Day movie but it didn't matter. You were just happy that you could cuddle up next to Davy somewhere that wasn't at home. Though this wasn't the most exciting thing you had ever done, it was comfortable, and you just enjoyed one another's company. You feel asleep, and when you woke up, you were home and Davy was kissing you awake.

6) Freddie Mercury:
Freddie always made time for you. He hated disappointing you, and may or may not like to spoil the hell out of you. So when the fair came to town, the two of you just had to go. You both got dressed up in your disguises so that you wouldn't be interrupted and were on your way. When you got there, the place was full of so many games and fun rides. You and Freddie went on every ride and played every game at least once. He won you a stuffed cat at the ring toss. Finally, he bought you two bags of cotton candy, then the two of you were on your way home.

7) Marie‑Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette (I had to):
Lafayette and you just needed a break from all the fighting. Yes he was on the American side, but even this spunky little man needed a break. So the both of you decided to have a bit of a picnic. You laid out your army supplied blanket; the two of you laid next to each other on it. You both ate sweet, fresh oranges, sang, talked, and laughed. After only a few hours, the two of you feel asleep in one another's arms. Thankfully Washington was a cool guy and didn't mind his officers dating, you would have been in big trouble otherwise.

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