Armin Arlet and Nagisa Shiota x Male!reader

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A/n: Not Proofread. Okay so, I don't know these characters very well, and I barely know the shows. I hope I don't mess this up too bad. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)! And yes, this is a fandom crossover. (Written for @Alpha-Zdhjifvhy)

(Y/n's POV)
I was kind of the nerdy kid In the school. I always had my head in a book or my headphones in. Obviously I was the usual target for all the bullies. Normally, school would be hell like it was when I was younger, but now I had two body guards of sorts. My two beautiful boyfriends Armin Arlet and Nagisa Shiota. They would have had the same fate as me, if they weren't total bad asses! God I love them.

Today, was not going so great. The bullies, for some reason, had gotten some courage and decided to torment me again today.
"Hey pretty boy!" A kid said slamming my locker closed, barely missing my hand. "Where are your 'girl' friends?" They said, smiling at their own stupidity. I tried to ignore them and go back to getting my books but I was roughly pushed up against the locker. The bully was meare inches away from my face.
"Hey, I asked you a question freak!" They spit, venom filled their voice as they spoke to me.
My breath caught in my throat out of fear.
"We are right here!" I hear Armin say from next to the two of us.
Armin was standing there in a battle ready position, his backpack already on the ground. He looked like he was out to get blood.
Nagisa on the other hand, was leaning cooly against the lockers. His books held close to his chest.
"Hello (y/n). How are you today?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face.
"How can you be so calm!" Armin practically yelled at him. "Our (y/n) is in trouble!
"Because, watch this." Nagisa said standing up from his previous position.
He closes the gap between himself and the bully.
"If you don't get off of our boyfriend right now, well, I'll spare you the details, but let's just say, they won't find you for a while." He said pushing his blue hair out of his face.
"Yeah right! You can't do shit to me! Do you know who my mother is?" They spat, standing up and releasing me to give their full attention to Nagisa.
"No, I have no idea, but, I think I'll see her face on the news later. She'll be asking "has anyone seen my child." And "if they have, can you contact me. Please, I just miss them so much!" if you don't let up and back off."
Then, as the true pair of trouble makers they are, Armin had walked around behind the bully without them noticing. And, as soon as Nagisa finished his speech, whispered "boo" into the bully's ear.
The bully screamed, then their fear quickly turned to anger, and as they were about to do something stupid, they turned and made eye contact with Nagisa one more time. Their fist unfurled and they stormed off to torment some other kid. I felt bad for te other kid, I just hope that someone will stick up for them. I go back to getting my things for lunch from my locker.
"Thank you." I whisper as the boys flank me on either side, waiting for my to grab my lunch.
"It's nothing, I would do anything to protect you!" Armin said her picky from my left side.
"It was just nice to get some practice in for later in life." Nagisa said cryptically from my right side. I lifted my eyebrow, but finished getting my things then closed my locker.
We walked off to the plastic coated Picnic tables that we normally sat at. Chose an open one and assumed our positions.
"How was Calculus?" I asked our resident genius Armin.
"Horrible! I think I failed the test we took even thought I studied my butt off!" He exclaimed, through a mouthful of his sandwich.
"I'm sure you did fine! Just calm down, this test won't make or break your career" I said, he nodded, relaxed some, but I could tell it still worried him.
"It's silly to worry." Nagisa said. "It won't help anything, plus, I am sure you did not fail a test in your best class. You will do fine." He reassures Armin. Armin took a deep breath.
"Thank you Nagisa, I really needed that."
Nagisa nodded, then went back to his lunch.
"How are things at home Nagisa?" I asked carefully, not wanting to upset him.
"Normal, my mother want to move me out of my English class though, she hates the teacher, says she is incompetent and won't teach me right." He responded.
"Oh my god, she is ridiculous, it's just because you like the class is all! She just doesn't want you to be happy!" I said angrily.
He took a deep breath.
"I know you are right, but, I can only do so much."
I nodded but hugged him, trying to help.
He laid his head on my shoulder but continued to eat.
"How are your classes going?" Armin asked me, seeming better then earlier.
"Pretty good. We just got an essay in history, but, it won't be so difficult, I don't think." I said, taking one of Armin's hands and intertwining our fingers.
It was nice to just have my boys around me.
But just as soon as the calmness fell, it was disrupted by the bell signaling that lunch was over.
None of us moved for a moment, but then Armin started to pack up his thing, and Nagisa and I followed suit.
"Good bye Armin. See you after school." I said pecking his cheek then turning to Nagisa.
"Good bye Nagisa, see you in 6th period." I said, the also placed a kiss on his cheek. Then I walked back to my locker. Put away my lunch, grabbed my book, and binder, and walked off to my next class.

A/n: day #22 I hope you guy's liked this, I'm am still sorry if I butchered the characters but, I hope you enjoyed :)!

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