Chapter 2

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My first class out of the entire day. Is history. I sit in the first row,first seat. Alex sits right next to me. First row, second seat. I fell someone punch me on my arm. I look up and it's Alex. The biggest asshole I have ever know. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I here the teacher speak.
"Okay class" mr. Sandoval says. "Today you guys will be working with partners".
"Yes" the entire class days. " but I will be picking them for you" mr Sandoval says and kills the entire mood. He gets done saying all the name until I hear "and Lydia and Alex you guys will be partners". I sight, then I hear Alex say "this should be fun". I mad-dog him. What a great start to a great day, I think to myself. *The bell rings*
It's now time for science class. This is the fun part because I have class with Ashley and Clair. I sit right next to Ashley. I go find my seat. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel the chair move next to me and Ashley is sitting there. She looked like she wanted to cry. "Ashley" I say soft and low "you okay?" I ask again. She looks up at me and says " yeah I'm fine it's just Alex". I can't help but think what did that asshole do now. "Oh" I say "what did he do" I ask. She looks at me and starts to cry " I found him hugging another girl in the hallway" she say. I don't say anything but think what if that girl was Clair because she isn't here yet. " oh well everything is gonna be okay. I'm here for you. Me, you against the world" I say back. She smiles at me and I smile back. "Thank you bestie" she says. " you are welcome bestie" I say. The bell rings and Clair walks in. "Where were you?" I ask Clair. "In the bathroom" Clair says. I don't say anything because I fell like she's lying to me. "oh" is all I manage to say to Clair. The teacher comes in. Doesn't say anything but manages to say "okay class do what you normally do. Work with your partner and do your work" that's all Mrs. Garcia says. We don't do anything but work with our partner on our cell project.
*the bell rings*
It's now time for math class. Math class is the worst part of my day. I don't have it with any of my friends but I have it with Alex. I don't sit by him thank god. Alex does sit behind me though. And whatever chance he gets, he pulls my hair an throws paper balls at me head. I fell someone pull my hair " what's wrong with you asshole" I say. I turn around and Alex is smirking. " nothings wrong with me but what's wrong with you?" Alex says. "You are what's wrong with me. Asshole" I say. I hear someone say "she's feisty". "And you are?" I say. "Chad" he says. If I'm being honest chad is more good looking than Alex is. "Nice to meet you" i say. " your name is Lydia right" chad says. " yes" I say. " it's nice to meet you to" chad says and he doesn't do anything but smile at me. He's had the most nicest smile ever. But then I realize that we've been holding each others hand for more than 5 minutes. The teacher walks in " Okay class. You have partners today" mr. Wilson says. He gets Done says each other's partners. I can't do anything but hope I am not partners with Alex. Then he says my name " Lydia and chad, you guys are partners" mr. Wilson says. I feel someone sit next to me. "Hi" I'm turn around to see chad smiling at me. " hi" I say back.
* the bell rings*
It's now time for language arts. I have class with Ashley. She looks mad. "Hey are you okay?" I ask Ashley. " yeah I'm fine it's just I saw Alex hugging the same girl again" Ashley says. "Oh, well maybe he's just not worth it no more" I tell Ashley. " yeah" she says. The teacher walks in doesn't say anything. So we just get started on our work with out her talking.
* the bell rings*
It's now time to go home. I walk home after school. I reach the front door. I hear my parents fighting. " why the fuck did you do that" my dad say. "Why'd you divorce me" my dad says again. "It's time to end this marriage because of everything you've done" my mom says. "Don't you dare think for one second your taking my daughter you stupid bitch" my dad says. I open the door. I walk in. " why do you always have to do that" I yell at my dad. "Why do you always have to hit my mom or yell at her" I say. "She's not your punching bag asshole" I say to my dad. " don't talk to me like that" my dad says. " or what, you gonna hit me like you do mom. Your not allowed to touch me or her anymore because we are gone" I say . "Let's go mom" I say. I run up to my room grab my duffle bags from my closet. I start packing and everything fits in my duffle bags. I'm ready to go. My mom comes in my room. Her bags are already in the car. My friends already knew we had to leave so we already said our goodbye after school. I put my bags in the car. My mom reaches in the glove compartment. " here you go" my mom says. " tickets to London mom, what the heck are you doing" I say. " it's so your dad doesn't find us" my mom says. I smile at her. She started the car. We start driving away. Goodbye California and hello London

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