Chapter 13

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Harry took me home after the get together. We live basically right next door. "Hey Lydia" Harry said " Yeah Harry" I said. " have a goodnight I love you" he said " you to" I said "and Harry" I said. He turned back around "yeah" he said "I love you to" I said "goodnight"I said again " goodnight" Harry said. I made my way up to the door. I opened the door and found my mom sitting on the couch " hi mom" I said. "Oh hi sweetheart" she said "how was your day?" She asked again "my day was amazing" I said. "So you know that kid Harry you were talking about" my mom said "yeah what about him" i asked "I met his mom today" she said "oh that's nice" I said. " I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for bed" I told my mom "okay sweet heart" she said. I ran upstairs. I went to put my phone on the charger. I took of my shoes. I grabbed my clothes from my drawer and went to go take a shower. I barely realized that I have been in the bathroom for almost 1 hour already. I shut  the water off. I put my clothes on. I blow dried my hair. Threw my clothes in the hamper. Organized my room a bit. I went to the kitchen to get water. My mom wasn't in the living room or kitchen. I grabbed my water. Went to the living room to shut the tv off. Locked the door. I went up stairs to my room. I put my water down I went to my moms room. She wasn't in there  but her bathroom light was on. I went into her bathroom. She was in the shower. Gosh she shouldn't scare me like that. I went to my room. I shut my door. I plugged in my headphones and put on my music. I heard a door slam but it was my moms bathroom door. I went to her room to tell her goodnight but she was already asleep. I went back to my room got my schools clothes ready for tomorrow. I went to check my phone to see that I had 5 new messages. One from Harry, one from Liam, one from Louis, one from Niall and one from zayn. I checked each them.

Text messages
Zayn: you looked nice today babe -zayn
Niall: wow you looked gorgeous-niall
Liam: hope you hade fun at the party- Liam
Louis: I already miss you :) -Louis
Harry: I didn't like what that asshole did to you today. I love you hope you had fun. -H

Wow I was surprised. I just didn't know how they got my number. I went to put it on the charger. I went into my bed and pulled my blankets over me. I shut the lights off. A nice way to end a good day and night.

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