Chapter 96

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"Put a blanket on them" I hear a voice say. "Don't wake them up" I hear another voice say. "Aww there so cute when they are asleep. My sister and brother" I hear a voice say. I feel a blanket cover me. "There is that better" I hear a voice say "definitely better I could see my sister your girlfriends underwear a little bit" I hear a voice say. I stir in my sleep. I knock into something hard but feels like a body. I open my eyes a little bit. I see Niall asleep next to me. I sit up in my bed. "Good after noon birthday girl" I hear Louis say "good afternoon" I say "how long was I asleep" I say "about 2/3 hours but you gotta get fixed up we are leaving to your next surprise in an hour" I hear zayn say. I shake my head. "C'mon let's fix your hair and makeup" Louis says "Lou I'm not a model stop making me feel like one. I'm no where near being a model" I say "shut it" he says. He grabs my hand and yanks me out of bed. I twist my ankle a bit. "Hey!!careful she's still wearing her heals!!" Liam shouts "yeah lou I think you made her hurt her ankle right now" Harry says. Louis looks at me and I give him a small smile. "Sorry but let's go" Louis says. He walk's a bit ahead of me. I start walking but my ankle hurts. I whimper a little hoping the boys didn't hear. "Hey you okay" zayn asks "yeah...just hurt my ankle that's all" I say giving him a small smile. "Louis grabbed you pretty rough huh" I hear Harry asks "yeah" I say letting out a giggle. "Hey Lydia what's taking you so long!!" Louis shouts making Niall jump up from his sleep position making me jump out of my spot and falling to the floor. "Fuck!!what the hell louis!!" Zayn yells "what did I do!!?" Louis shouts. I hear foot steps. I turn to the door still laying down on the floor. "What the hell happened here?" I hear Louis asks. I look at the expression on his face. I start laughing. "What the hells wrong with you?" I hear Louis say "y-you sh-should see y-your f-face" I say between fits of laughter. The boys join in with me as Louis still looks confused. "Why are you on the floor" I hear Louis ask again "you should ask yourself" I hear Liam say "let me help you up" zayn says. I see him walking towards me. He holds out his hands. I take them in mine as he pulls me up form the floor. I stand on my feet. I start walking. Limping a little. "After you get yourself fixed up we will give you medicine and ice your foot. Sound good?" I hear Liam say "sound great" I say. I walk out of my room and towards Liam's. "I still wanna know why you were on the floor" I hear Louis say. I let out a giggle. After sometime, He fixes my hair. He touches up my eyeshadow and lipstick. "Thank you Louis" I say "anytime love" he says. I stand up and walk out of the room. I walk downstairs. "Here's your ibuprofen" Harry says "thank you baby" I say. He hands me my water and medicine. I take it. I walk to the couch and sit down. Harry sits down next to me. "Let me see your foot" Harry says. I turn around. I hand him my foot. He lays it on his leg. He start to untie my heal. He takes it off and puts the ice pack on my ankle. "Why are you doing this?" I ask him "doing what??taking care of my girlfriend??" He says "no loving me when I don't deserve to be loved. Teaching me more than anyone can. Making me feel special when I'm not. You shouldn't love me. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you guys. I don't deserve this home. I don't deserve my brothers. I don't deserve any of your guys's family. Your amazing and caring and loving and awesome. I don't deserve you at all. I don't deserve this relationship. I feel like I've messed it up somehow. I know your going to push me away somehow. I was this broken girl. With scars and a broken Family. I was this girl who doesn't deserve anything. I don't deserve you...any of you" I say. I didn't realize I was crying until harry wiped my eyes. "Don't say that... don't you dare say that. You showed me what it was like to be loved and feel loved. You showed me that I can save someone at there darkest times. I have this amazing girlfriend. If anyone doesn't deserve's me because I don't deserve you" Harry says. His eyes now filled with tears. "Please don't cry" I say my voice breaking at the end. Harry looks at me and a tear slips down his cheeks. "I love you and I don't wanna lose you or mess this relationship up. I know I did" Harry says tears falling down his face. I look at him and tears fall down mine. " you didn't. You didn't ruin anything. I love you Harry" I say "I love you" Harry says. I give him a hug and we start crying with each other. "Hey you g- woah what's wrong?" I hear someone say. I let go of Harry and turn around. Liam. "Nothing we were just having a heart to heart conversation" I say. I wipe away the wet under my eyes. "Oh well we are leaving in 40 minutes" Liam says "alright thanks li" I say "anytime" Liam says. I smile at him. He returns it back and walks away. I look at Harry. I give him a kiss. He kisses back. He grabs me by my legs and lays me down on the couch. Never braking the kiss. "Your so beautiful" Harry says "hey Harold- WOAH!!AGH!!!MY EYES!! MY INNOCENT!! EYES!!" I hear a voice scream "WHAT LOU!!" Harry screams at him. "I was just coming to say let's fix your hair where leaving already" Louis says "I'll help him" I say to Louis. Harry sits up and I sit up after him. He grabs my heal and slips it back on my foot. He starts to tie it up. "Thank you kind sir" I say "anytime madam " Harry says. I stand up fixing my dress. I hold my hand out to Harry. He gracefully takes it. "Have fun" I hear Louis says. I sock him on the arm playfully "oh we will" I hear Harry say and he winks at me. I let out a giggle. We start walking upstairs. "We are leaving right now" Liam says "alright I just have to help him fix his hair" I say "be quick" Liam says "okay" I say. I yank him towards the bathroom. I grab the brush and start combing his hair. "It still looks curly" I say "and you still look hot" Harry fires back "hahaha" I say in sarcasm "I love you" Harry says "I love you" I say. I ruffle his hair. "There it looks good" I say "thank you ma'am" Harry says "your welcome sir" I say. I let out a giggle and walk out of the bathroom. I walk to my room. I grab my red purse that the guys put together and I grab my phone and my charger. I close my door and walk downstairs. "Ready to go?" Zayn says "yeah I think Harry is still in the bathroom though" I say. I walk further downstairs. I trip on my way down. I'm ready to come in contact with the floor but I don't. I look up to see who caught me. Harry. "Thank you" I say "it's not like I'm gonna let my girlfriend fall" Harry says. He leans down and gives me a kiss. I see a flash of something. He stands me up. "Ready to go" niall asks "Yeah" I say. I walk towards the door. Zayn opens it up for me. "Thank you Malik" I say "anything for you Mrs.rose" zayn says. I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. I walk to the car and get in the back. I close my eyes. I hear the doors open and close, next thing I know the boys are inside. "Tired" I hear a voice say. I open my eyes to see zayn looking at me and sitting on the left of me with Louis on my right with Harry on his right. "Yeah just a little bit" I say. The car starts to move. I lay my head on zayn's shoulder. "You smell like oranges" I say "hey remember when I first told you that then You responded with 'yeah that's because I just ate an orange'" I say trying to make my voice sound like zayn's. He giggles. "You still remember that" he says "of course. It's a memory" I say. He kisses the top of my head and the car comes to a stop. I few hands cover my eyes. "No not again" I say "stop being a baby" I hear a voice say "or what" I fire back. No response. "Put the blind fold on her" I hear a voice say "okay I feel like I'm getting kidnapped" I say. The boys burst out in fits of laughter. I get picked up from the floor. I'm being carried bridal style now. A door opens up. After sometime I'm put down on the floor. "Surprise!!" People scream. The blind fold is taken off my eyes. Wow. I look at the decorations. My family is here they are all here. Louis family, zayn's family, Harry's family. "You guys did this" I say "yeah" Niall says "do you like it" Harry ask's. I look at him. "like it?? i love it" I say. "Happy birthday!" Everyone cheers "thank you!!" I say. The tables are decorated with roses. There is a stage set up. My family is here. "Lydia!!" I hear voices scream. I turn around. "My two favorite twins!" I say "I've missed you" they say as they both jump in my arms for a hug "I've missed you more" I say. "How are you guys" I say "great now that your here" they say. I give them both kisses on the cheek. "Guys stop being a hassle to the poor girl" I hear johannah say "no they aren't Johannah" I say "happy birthday darling" she says and gives me a hug. I return the favor. "Thank you!" I say to her. "Lydia!" I hear someone scream. I look over and it's Gemma. I walk over to her. "Happy birthday!" I hear her say "thank you!" I say "how do you like it so far" Gemma ask's "it's amazing" I say "I'm really surprised" I say. "Happy birthday sweetheart" Anne says "thank you Anne" I say. I give her a hug. I hear a scream. The party goes quiet. I'm now over come with fear. "Lydia!" I hear someone scream. Daisy runs to me looking scared. "What's wrong" I say "it's phoebe" she says "what happened to phoebe" I say "she fell but she's crying and I don't know if she's okay" daisy says. She grabs my hand and takes me to phoebe followed by Louis and the rest of the boys behind me. "Lydia" phoebe cries "hey it's okay I'm right here. What happened" I say "well we were running and I tripped and feel over some wood. I twisted my ankle and cut my knee" phoebe cries. I pick her up. "It's okay we'll get you cleaned up" I say. I pick her up. I walk her inside the house. I sit her on the couch. "Louis get me a washcloth. Harry get me some ice. Liam get me some ibuprofen. Niall get me some alcohol. Zayn get me some bandages" I say. I look at daisy. She looks scared. I look at phoebe and she has pain and sacredness written all over her face. "It's okay. I promise it'll make you feel better" I say. A tear slips down her cheek. Louis returns with the washcloth. Harry with an ice pack . Liam with medicine and water. Niall with alcohol. Zayn with the bandages. I hand her the medicine and water. She takes it. "Okay this might hurt" I say "daisy grab your sisters hand" I say. I start to clean Phoebe's cut and bloody knee with the washcloth. . She winces as I do so. "Sorry sweetheart" I say. "Okay this is gonna burn but I promise it'll feel better" I say. I pour some alcohol on the washcloth. I clean her cut. After I'm done I put a bandage on it. I then wrap it up a bit. "Better?" I ask "better" phoebe responds back. "Come here" I say to her. I motion for her to sit down next to me. I motion for daisy to sit on the other side of me to. I start to untie Phoebe's heal. "Harry the ice" I say. He hands me the ice pack. "Thank you" I say. I put a pillow under her ankle. "It's gonna be cold" I say to her. I then put the ice pack on top. "Thank you lydia" daisy and phoebe say "anytime" I say. They both Lay their heads on my shoulders. "Thank you for taking care of my sisters" Louis says "anything for your family lou" I say. "Hey they fell asleep" zayn says. I look at the girls and for sure they fell asleep. "Help me put them to bed" I say. Harry picks up daisy and I pick up phoebe. I walk up the stairs and towards Gemma's room. I lay phoebe down. The ice pack still on her ankle. Harry lays daisy down next to phoebe. Harry grabs a blanket and covers them up. I give them kisses on the top of their heads. "Your really good at taking care of kids" Harry says "thank you" I say and give him a kiss. He grabs my hand and we walk out of the room. "Your gonna be a good mom to our children" Harry says "I like the sound of 'our' children" I say. I give him another kiss on the lips. This day couldn't get any better could it.

Okay so guys this is the longest chapter out of the entire book I have written. Thank you babies I love you all ❤️❤️ im so sorry I barley updated

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