Chapter 87

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Niall's POV
"Where the fuck is she!!" I scream  "calm down well find her!!" Zayn screams. We grab our stuff out of our lockers. Kevin grabs his stuff out of Lydia's. He takes the pencil out a lock her locker. We run to Liam's car. We all get in. I hope we find her. She my best friend. She my sister. Ugh why did sabrina have to do that. Lydia isn't like her mother. I just hope we find her.

Lydia's POV
The tears stream down my face. I'm close to Harry's house. I don't wanna go to my house that'll be the first place they'll  check. I reach the front door. I knock on it. The door opens up. Gemma is there. "Lydia what's wrong" Gemma says. She grabs my arm and brings me inside. "This girl at school started talking about my mom and" I say "calling her a hoe  and a slut and I couldn't do it anymore. I slapped her and left school" I say crying. Gemma grabs me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry" Gemma says. We stay in the same position until I stop crying. "Can I take a nap in Harry's room" I say to Gemma "yeah go ahead" Gemma says. I walk up to the room. I shut the door behind me. I take off my backpack. I throw on one of his white T-shirt's. I take off my pants. I grab my shorts out of my backpack. I put those on. I put my clothes in my backpack. I take out my phone. I put it on the shelf. The shirt smiles like Harry. I put my backpack on the floor. I take off my shoes. I put those on the floor. I climb into his bed. I slide under the covers. I take a deep breathe. I shut my eyes. Just like that laying in Harry's bed feeling safe and sound. I fall asleep into a peaceful sleep. I hear voices in the room. "Shhhh don't wake her up" Someone says "look at her shes  asleep" someone else says. "Don't you dare wake her up!" Someone screams. I jump up out of bed. I look at everyone who's there. All of the boys. Anne,Gemma and Kevin. I remembered what happen. I look at all of their faces "nice going Gemma" Liam says. I let out a giggle. "I'm sorry" I say to them "I shouldn't have ran off like that" I say again. "Listen it doesn't matter what happened as long as you are okay" Liam says. I hug him. "We are all glade your okay" Niall says. I smile at him. "It's cute that you wear my clothes" Harry all of a sudden says. Then I remember before I fell asleep I changed into his shirt. I smile at him. "I needed something to fall asleep comfortable in" I say to Harry "right" Harry says sending me a wink. I laugh. I get up from bed. I look at Anne who's looking at me. She gives me a hug. I look at Kevin. "I'm sorry you probably think I'm crazy or some shit" I say letting out a giggle. "Nope never. You have a lot going on and I'm sorry" Kevin says "but you didn't do anything" I say "I may haven't done anything but my sister did" Kevin says "wait" Liam says "Sabrina's your sister" zayn says in shock. "Surprise" Kevin says awkwardly. I let out a giggle. "I'm glade I have you guys here with me. I don't know where I would be and who I would be" I say. My eyes start to water. "Liam brought me into his house and I'm now his sister. Zayn and Louis are my best friend and here for me whenever I need them. Niall is my brother and god knows that I have a special bond with both of my brothers. Harry's my boyfriend. Crazy right. I couldn't ask for anyone better. I was just this broken girl with a broken Family and a broken past. You guys are here and making it better than ever. Anne and Gemma and Robin. I was so scared you wouldn't like me but then we started talking and became family just like that and couldn't be anymore better. I have three more family's that I haven't met but I know they want to meet me. I know I wanna meet them. Just a big thank you" I say with tears falling down my cheeks. They all give me a hug. They all walk out. Left me and Harry alone in the room. "I'm sorry Lydia. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you from Sabrina" Harry says with tears. I look at him. "I could have ever been better" I say to him. Harry stands up. He gives me a kiss. The ones that leave you shocked wondering what just happened. I grab his hand. He takes us out of the room. "Did I forget to tell you you look hot in my clothes" Harry says. I laugh at him. I let go of his hand and walk downstairs. "So are you exited" zayn says "for?" I say in a questioning tone. "To turn 16 bitch" Louis says "ummmm no" I say. They smile at me. I feel arms around my waist. I jump from the sudden touch. "Woah are you okay?" Harry asks "um yeah" I say "just got a little scared that's all" I say again. He smiles at me. I give him peck on the lips. "We're gonna get going" Liam says "alright" I say. They give me a hug and kiss goodnight. "You have a ride or do you need one" I say to Kevin "I'll just walk" Kevin says "nope your getting a ride" I say "have Liam and Niall drop you off" I say "I said I'll walk" Kevin says "there's no way I'm letting you walk Kevin okay. You either get a ride or don't go home" I say "fine I'll get a ride" Kevin says "good answer" I say laughing. He gives me a hug goodbye. "We are heading out to" zayn says "okay" I say "be safe" I say again. They give me a hug and kiss goodnight. "Are you gonna stay the night" asks Gemma "yeah I just need to be around Harry right now" I say honestly. "Imma head up to the room. Love you guys goodnight" I say. I give them a hug and kiss goodnight. I walk up to the room. I open up the door. I close the door behind me. I let out a deep breathe. I feel arms around my waist. Harry starts kissing my neck. I turn around. I kiss him. The kiss gets deeper. I climb into his bed. "Goodnight baby I love you" I say to Harry. "Goodnight baby girl. Love you" Harry says. He wraps his arms around my waist. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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