Chapter 90

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We pull into the parking lot of my house. "I can't walk right for shit" Kevin says. I start laughing. I walk into the house laughing. I hold the door open for Kevin. All the guys sitting down laughing except for one. Niall. "Your home" Liam says "yeah" I say. I keep my attention on Niall. "Um Kevin why don't you go sit with the boys" I say "I have to talk to someone" I say. Kevin walks to the boys and they start talking. I tap Niall on the shoulder. "Let's go" I say to him. He stands up. We walk up the stairs and to his room. He closes the door behind us. "Whats wrong" I say. He takes a deep breathe. "I'm just. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so overwhelmed. I feel sad and I just I don't feel like Niall. I feel like a different person. I haven't talk to my mom in a long time. It's like I forgot who she is now" Niall says about to cry. "It's okay to feel like that ni it's normal. I feel like that everyday. You know. I'm just being around you guys make me feel better and better each day. I wanna be there for you like you've been there for me ni. Please don't cry and feel bad about this" I say to Niall. He smiles at me and gives me a hug. "Thank you Lydia for everything you've done. Your the best sister I can ever ask for" Niall says "your the best brother ever" I say to Niall. We walk back downstairs. "Hey you guys okay" Liam asks. I look at Niall and give him a smile. "Um yeah...everything is great" I say to Liam. I feel my eyes start to water. I let go of Niall and walk to the kitchen. I take a deep breathe. My stomach hurting as I do. I grab it and let out a whimper. "Hey, you okay" a voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Harry. "Nah baby my stomach hurts again" I say. He walk closer to me. Hugging me from behind. "Want me to make you feel better" he whispers in my ear. He grabs my waist. "Tomorrow night " I say to him. I turn around but before I can do anything his lips smash against mine. Hungry for more.  "Woah what's going on in here" a voice says. I stop kissing Harry. Louis is now staring at us. "Nothing" I say. I leave one quick kiss on Harrys lips. "Nothing at all" I say walking past Louis. I take a seat next to zayn. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Everything okay?" Zayn asks "yeah.... I.....I think so" I say to zayn. "What are we gonna do today" Liam asks "it's up  to you guys" I say. Then I remember I promised Liam we would watch movies all day.  "Liam I promised you we would all sit down and watch Disney movies all day" I say again "what you wanna watch" Niall asks "umm Snow White" I say "or finding Nemo" zayn says "I'm fine with that" I say. Niall puts in the movie. Harry comes and sits  by me. He grabs my hand. My head still resting on zayns shoulder.  Liam smiles at me and I smile at him. "Okay well I gotta go home" Kevin says "alright and it was nice meeting your mother today" I say "I know goodbye Lydia" Kevin says giving me a hug "goodbye Kevin" I say. He walks out the door shutting it behind him. "Hey let's have a camp out tonight all of us together" Niall says "I'm okay with that" I say "yeah me to" Liam says. All the guys agree. Liam flashes me his smile. "Um Liam we have to go pick something up. We'll be back baby" Harry says "alright be safe" I say to them. They get up. Harry grabbing his keys. Just leaves me,Niall,zayn and Louis.

Harry's POV
"Alright we have to order the flowers the pink and red roses" Liam says "yeah and they will be ready tomorrow" I say. We get into my car. I start the car. We drive to the store. We pick up some more stuff for her. Liam buys her a ring. A Crown ring. We buy the stuff for the food. The sodas. The juice. We go to the flower section. "What can I get for you guys today" the gentle man asks "um can we get 2 and a 1/2 bucket full of red and pink roses. It's for my sister, his girlfriends birthday tomorrow. She's turning 16" Liam says "yes sir. When will you like them to be ready" the gentle man asks "at 12:00" I say "okay your order will be ready tomorrow at 12:00" the gentle man says "thank you" I say. We pay for the flowers. We go get lydia a cupcake. At 12:00 tonight will be her birthday. We get her a chocolate cupcake. And a candle. We pay for the food. "I'm so excited she's gonna be so happy" Liam says cheerfully. I can't help but smile. "Especially when you give her the infinity diamond ring. Especially Louis blue diamond ring" Liam says "I know I'm just really glad that your sister is my girlfriend. I wanna take care of her forever" I say. We put the groceries in the car. We head to my house. We pull into the parking lot. We grab the grocery bags. I unlock my house door. "Hey dad are you here!" I scream. "Yeah I'm coming down" Robin my step father screams down. He walks down the stairs. "Okay so I got the juice and the sodas" I say "alright lets put them in the ice chest" Robin says. Me and Liam put the sodas in the ice chest. I grab the cupcake and the ring. I put it in my car. "Okay so we'll be back tomorrow. I'll give you and mom and Gemma can't forget about her a warning tomorrow to set the stuff up before the party begins" I say "alright I'll see you then. Tell her I say happy birthday though" Robin says "will do" I say. I walk out of the house. Me and Liam get in the car. We drive back home. We pull into the parking lot. We get out of the car. Liam grabs his ring. I grab the cupcake. Liam unlocks the door. We walk in only to find Niall alone. "Where's everybody at" Liam asks "they went to get clothes. So they can sleep over" Niall says. Me and Liam nod our heads. I put the cupcake in the fridge and the candle in the cabinet. Liam walks to his room and puts the rings away. Now we sit here and wait.

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