Chapter 68

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I wake up. My sleeping boyfriend still sleeping. I try to get myself up but I'm pulled down by Harry's hands. "Don't move" Harry says "Harry it's 3:00" I say "how long have we been asleep" Harry ask "about 2/3 hours" I say "don't move" Harry says again. He plays with my stomach. He bits down. "Ow why'd you bite me" I say "that's why I said don't move" Harry says. I laugh. Harry climb on top of me. He lays down. He Barry's his head between my neck and shoulder. I don't know why but I feel so comfortable like this. I feel his hand creep up my shirt. "Your hands cold" I say "I'm sorry"Harry says. He start to kiss my neck. His hand slides up. His finger slides under my bra. I take a deep breath. He looks at me. He slides his hand under my bra. He kisses my lips. He moves back down to my neck. I moan in enjoyment. He fixes my shirt. He gives me one last kiss. He lays next to me. "I'm hungry" Harry says "me to" I say "what do you wanna eat" I say "you" Harry says. That's hot for some reason. I mean Harry's hot. Everything he does is hot. "No for real  what do you wan to eat" I say.He gets up from the bed a walk towards me. He grabs me by my waist and whispers in my ear. "I said you" Harry says. I look at Harry. "Your so hot" I say "I know" Harry says. I laugh. I walk to the bathroom. I fix my hair. Harry walks in and grabs my waist. He pulls my shirt over my head. He pulls out his phone. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile. He has his hand wrapped around my stomach. He take the photo. I grab my phone. I take Harry's shirt off. I give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles. I take the photo. He puts it as his lock screen. I put mine as my lock screen. "That's all you wanted" I say "no" Harry says "I'll show you"Harry says. I look at myself in the mirror Harry still holding me. His hand slides down. Oh no. No!! No!! No!!. To late. He puts one finger in. Pumps. My head falls back. Puts another finger. Pumps harder. I cough.  He removes his hand. Licks his fingers. Washes his hands. I put my shirt back on. "I love you"Harry says  "I love you" I say back. "I'm hungry" I say "I'll order room service" Harry says. we order pancakes. We eat. I'm sore and  tired. I change into my clothes,wash my face. I may in bed. Harry grabs me and hugs me. We stay up half of the night laughing. I call Liam. Voice mail.

"Hey I just wanted to say goodnight and I love you guys. I will be home tomorrow" I say "love you" I say again.

I hang up the phone call. I charge my phone. I lay back down in bed. Harry grabs me into his chest. "Love you goodnight baby girl" Harry says "love you  and goodnight" I say. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Sorry if this chapter is short)

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