Chapter 69

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I woke up this morning. I sit up but get pulled down by Harry. "I'm comfortable like this" Harry says. I stay there for a couple more minutes. Harry moves. "Why'd you move" I say "it's time to get up" Harry says "gosh I was comfortable asshole" I say "aww want me to lay back down" Harry says "nah I'm up to" I say. I get up. I change my clothes. I let my hair down. I don't put on  makeup. "Are you ready to leave"Harry asks "yeah I wanna see my family" I say. I grab my bags and put them on the bed. "Let's surprise them" I say "like what" Harry says "I'll call them say there is a surprise waiting for you at the park they took me to. Tell them I'm not coming home. They'll go to the park and look for there surprise. We will go buy Starbucks and surprise them with ourselves and start bucks" I say "that sounds good" Harry says "Okay" I say. I slip on my shoes there's a knock at the door. "Hello Anne" I say. I invite her in. "So are you guys almost ready to go" Anne says "actually we are already ready to go" I say "okay well we will meet you down there" Anne says "okay" I say. She leaves the room. I lay on the bed. "What's wrong" Harry says "nothing. I'm just sore" I say "I rocked you good then" Harry says "I mean yeah" I say. I smile at him. I got up. I grab everything. I grab my purse and key. We get In The elevator. We reach the bottom floor. We return our key. We walk to the car. I put everything in the trunk. "So we'll see you at the house" Anne says "well imma stay with Lydia tonight" Harry says " thank you robin, Anne and Gemma for everything. It was fun" I say "your very welcome Lydia" they say. Me and Harry get in the car. They start the car. We know our way back. "Are you tired" Harry asks "a little" I say. I close my eyes. We are halfway there. We go get 6 caramel frappes from star buck. We pay. We take our time getting to the park. I call Liam.

"Hey Lydia what's up" Liam says "nothing but hey there's a surprise at the park for all of you guys" I say "I'm not coming home tonight" I say "oh well thank you for the surprise we will go get it"Liam says "okay be safe love you guys" I say "we will and love you to" Liam says

"As planed" Harry says "as planned" I say. We reach the park. I see the boys looking for there surprise. Harry puts on his glasses. Same as me. We start walking to the boys. Our Starbucks in hand. "Hi you guys looking for something" I say. They turn around. "Lydia!!" Zayn says. He gives me a hug. "Gosh I missed you z" I say "I missed you" zayn says. I give the boys a hug. I get to Niall. He has a cute little childish smile on his face. "Hi nini" I say. He doesn't say anything he just gives me a tight hug. I give Liam a tight hug. I hand them there coffee. "So how was it" Liam ask "fun" I says. I look at Harry "real fun" I say again. "That's good" Louis says "yeah it is" Harry says. I stand up. The boys talking. "You alright" zayn says "I'm just. I'm so overwhelmed with everything. Adam,my parents, my wrist, me and Harry" I say "speaking of. What were you gonna tell me" zayn says "I'll talk to you guys in private" I say. "Hey let's go take a Walk"I say "well I don't wanna go" Niall says "Harry you stay with Him okay. Please" I say "yeah sure. Be safe" Harry says "I will" I say. I start walking the boys following. "So Lydia what's wrong" Louis says "yeah what were you gonna tell us" Liam says. I hide behind zayn. "Liam don't get mad okay" I say "Lydia don't tell me your pregnant" Liam says "what no but me and Harry. We did it. I'm sore and I just. I don't know. I feel different. I feel. Believe me I don't feel like me. I feel sad and happy and a whole lotta different shit" I say "Lydia don't be so scared I'm not mad I'm just glad your safe" Liam says "you did use protection" Louis says "yeah" I say "good" zayn says. We start walking again. I'm still hiding behind zayn. I stop walking. "You okay" Liam ask "yeah I just I feel dizzy" I say "I haven't took my pills" I say "shit I forgot to give them to you. Lydia I'm so sorry" Liam says "Liam it's okay" I say. I start walking again. We walk back to the guys. "I feel tired" I whisper to Louis. I rest my head on his shoulder. "You tired babe" Harry ask "yeah a little" I say "we should go home" Niall says "sure" Liam says "I'm gonna walk" I say "Louis you can drive with Harry" I say "Niall and Liam you guys can drive back home and zayn" I say "I'll just walk" I say "I'll walk with you" zayn says "okay" I say. They get in the cars and drive off. "Are you sure your not pregnant" zayn says "I hope I'm not zayn. I can't be pregnant right now" I say "don't worry we will be here to take care of you" zayn says "thank you" I say "anytime. That's what best friends are for right" zayn says "right" I say. We reach the door but before I have a chance to open it I hear Harry and the guys talking About me and zayn. "She's been spending to much time with him. Is she cheating on me with him or something" Harry says "no. That's just her protecter. Her human diary. She trust him with her life at the moment" Louis says "yeah there just best friends" Niall says "she wouldn't do that" Liam says "I know but she been acting so different lately" Harry says "Harry she's just scared at the moment and zayns like her protecter. Her shield" Louis says. I look at zayn. "I'm sorry" Zayn whispers to me. "Me to" I say. I open the door. The boys look at me. I look at zayn and he's look at the floor. I run up to my room. "Zayn what did you do to her" I hear Harry say. I walk back downstairs. Tears falling down my face. "He didn't do anything Harry. I heard you guys talking before I came in" I say "yes I have been spending so much time with zayn because he's my human diary. My shield. My best friend. I trust him with my life" I say "did me giving myself to you the other night not mean anything" I say "no Lydia that meant everything" Harry says "then why. Why now do you have to assume I'm cheating on you with zayn" I say. Silence. "Why Harry. Why" I say again. He start to Cry. "Lydia I'm sorry" Harry says "I know you are but why" I say "why" I say again "because you guys are close" Harry says "Harry your girlfriend is my everything. I never trusted a girl like I trust her. She my best friend. I would do anything to protect her" zayn says " I know and I'm sorry zayn" Harry says. He gives zayn a hug. He looks at me and gives me a hug. I look at zayn. I give zayn the most tightest hug. "I'm sorry" I whisper "it's okay" zayn whispers. "Imma go to sleep. I love you all so very much" I say "imma go" zayn and Louis say. "Bye you guys a be safe. Love you goodnight" I say. I give them both a hug and kiss on the cheek. They get in the car and drive off. Liam and Niall give me a hug and kiss goodnight. I lock up the house. I walk up to Liam and Niall's room. Shut their lights off and lock there windows. I walk to my room. I take off my shoes. I lock my window. I climb into bed. I plug in my phone. Harry comes in the room. He climbs under the covers. I give him a kiss goodnight. He wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber.

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