Chapter 88

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This morning I woke up. I grab my phone to check it. I have 2 missed calls. I decided to call the unknown number back.
The phone call
"Lydia darling I'm so glade you called" the person says. A males voice.
"I'm sorry who's this" I say "oh baby tell me you didn't forget me already" the voice says "I'm sorry I don't know who you are may I ask who's calling" I say "oh come on" the voice says "Caleb" the voice says "your ex boyfriend" the voice says again "how'd you get my number" I say "I have my ways baby" Caleb says "I'm sorry I don't have time to waist on you anymore. You hurt me and that's bad Caleb. Just leave me alone. Don't call me again. I don't wanna hear from you ever got that" I say. "Whatever" Caleb says
The phone hangs up
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I check the other missed call. It was Liam.
The phone call
"Hey Liam, you called" I say "yeah Um Louis was wondering if you wanted to go to his house today. The family wants to meet you" Liam says "Um yeah sure" I say "tell Louis it's a date. Tell him to pick me up at Harry's" I say "alright I will. Love you" Liam says "love you to" I say to Liam "goodbye" Liam says "bye" I say.
The phone call ends
"Who was that" a sleepy Harry asks "it was Liam. I'm going with Louis to meet his family today" I say "that's nice" Harry says. I get out of bed. I give harry a kiss. I grab his black tight skinny jeans. I decide to still wear his whit t shirt. I fix my hair. I put on my shoes. I grab my phone. I walk downstairs. Louis is here. "You ready" Louis asks "yeah" I say. I walk out of the house and to his car. I get in. Louis gets In after me. "I'm nervous to meet your family" I say to Louis "it's okay they'll love you" Louis says. We start driving to his house. After a while we pull into the parking lot and omg their house is big. "Wow" I say to Louis "it's okay" Louis says. We walk to the door. Louis knocks on it. The door opens up to reveal a very pretty girl. Young, blond hair and very very pretty. "Hey lou" the Girl says "you must be Lydia. Louis can not stop talking about you" she says. I let out a giggle. "Come in" she says. Louis grabs my hand. We walk inside the house. "Are you his girlfriend" the blond girl asks "no I'm his best friends girlfriend. Louis is my best friend. I trust him with my whole life" I say to her. "My names Lottie" the girl says "it's nice to meet you Lottie" I say with a smile. "It's nice to meet you to" she says. "Lou!!"some one screams. I jump from the excitement. "Woah you okay" Louis asks me "um yeah. Yeah I'm fine" I say. "Hey daisy"Louis says "I missed you" the little girl says "I did to" Louis says. "Who's this" the little girl asks "daisy this is my best friend Lydia. Lydia this is my little sister daisy" Louis says "it's nice to-" I was cut off by her jumping in my arms for a hug. "Meet you to" I say giving her a hug back. "Your so pretty" daisy says "aww thank you but your so much prettier" I say to her. I put her down on the floor. "Phoebe there's a pretty girl here. Louis brought her home!!" Daisy says. I laugh at her. "Lydia!" The other little girl says. Wow I'm guessing Daisy's twin. "Hi" I say. She jumps in my arm for a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you" phoebe says "it's nice to meet you to" I say to her. I put her down. "Is it me or is this girl pretty" phoebes says "no she's very pretty" daisy says "you guys are to sweet" I say. I smile at them. "Hey fiz" Louis says "hi Lou" the other girl with brown long hair says "you must be Lydia" she says "yeah you must be Louis other sister" I say "yup you can call me fiz or felicity" felicity says "well it's nice to meet you felicity" I say "you have a pretty name" I say again "all you girls do" I say again "thank you and you have a pretty name also" felicity says. I smile. "Mummy!" Louis says. "Well it was really nice meeting you girls" I say to them "Hey Lydia come over here" Louis says "coming" I say. I smile at the girls and walk away from them and to Louis. "Lydia this is my mom johannah" Louis says "it's really nice to meet you" I say to Louis mom "it's nice to meet you to I've heard so much about you. I'm sorry about your mom and your father" johannah says "it's okay" I say. She gives me a hug. I hug her. "Um I need to get Lydia back to zayn because your gonna go meet his family to" Louis says "great" I say. I smile at them. "It's was really nice meeting all of you guys" I say to them "it's a bummer you have to leave already. I was hoping we get to spend the whole day with you" daisy says "aww sweetheart we will I'll be back soon okay" I say to daisy "phoebe she'll be back soon" daisy says "yay"phoebe says. I give the twins a hug. "It was nice meeting you guys" I say to felicity and Lottie. "It's was a honor meeting you to" lottie says. I give them a hug. "Let's go. I'll be home in a while" Louis says. We walk out of the house. I get in the car. Gosh it's hot outside. "Okay you ready to meet Zayns family" Louis asks "uh not really" I say "they'll like you" Louis says "thank you" I say. Louis starts the car. Let's go to zayns house now.

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