Chapter 24

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I haven't been to school all week. I wasn't wanting to go. It's now a Friday. I don't do anything on Fridays but me and the boys have a get together at our house. I just hope that this day goes as planed. I haven't been at my home with my other mother instead of adopted mother. "Hey Lydia" Karen said "yeah mom" I said "you okay sweetheart?" She asked "yeah I'm fine" I said  "As long as your okay I don't need to worry then?" Karen said "nope as long as I'm Okay you don't need to worry about me at all" I said "okay well I'm gonna be downstairs if you need me sweetheart" Karen said "alright sounds good mom" I said. I'm glade I can call her mom. I can talk to her whenever. She doesn't get mad when I call her. I love her. School is over now so the boys should be on there way. Liam pulled up to the house. "Hey Lima bean. We're the boys?"I asked Liam "they are with Harry at his house" Liam said "oh" I said. My phone started ringing it was Harry.

Phone call
"Hey Harry what's up?" I asked. He sounded  worried. "Lydia you need to get over here now. It's about your mom" Harry said. Oh god what now. "What happened?"I asked Harry "just come over here and you'll find out okay" Harry said "alright I'm on my way" I said
I hung up the phone after the phone call.

"Liam. We have to go. It's my mom" I said "oh god is she alright" Liam said " I don't know but we have to go" I said. At this point I was wanting to cry. I never stoped loving my mother... I just stoped talking to her. "I hope she gonna be alright" Liam said "yeah I do to" I said. We pulled up to the street. It was blocked. My heart dropped. I got out of the car. I seen the boys. They were scared and worried. I ran to the house. "Ma'am you aren't allowed to be here" the officer said "thats my mom" I said. The boys followed behind me. "I seen my mom on the floor. "We are rushing her to the hospital. You can follow us there" the officer said. I got into the car with Liam. The other boys followed behind us. I was crying more than ever. It was my mom. What was I gonna do now. We stoped and ran into the hospital. "My mom. We're is she" I asked the doctor "they took her into surgery" the doc said "is she gonna be okay" I asked "we hope so" the doc said. We waited and waited and waited. A doctors came out. I stood up. "I'm sorry for your loss we done everything we could but it wasn't enough" the doc said "" I said. I feel to the floor. Crying. Heavy tears. The boys bent down and hugged me. I stood up and Liam grabbed me into a bear hug. "It's gonna Be  okay Lydia, were here for you" Liam said "I know but I just lost my mom" I said. "I know I'm sorry" Harry said "really sorry" Niall said "more than sorry"Louis said "we don't know what to say other than sorry" zayn said "we are here for you" Liam said. I walked away and to the wall. "The sad part is. She left with out saying goodbye" I said. "Mrs rose " the doc said "yes" I answered " this is yours from you mother" the doc said. She handed me a letter. "I'm really sorry for your loss" the doc said "thank you" I said back to her. The boys looked at me. I looked at the letter and it read.

The letter
"Lydia my darling baby girl. I'm so sorry about that name calling and hit. I'm sorry. I never knew that I would be the one who changed for the worst. You needed me and I wasn't there for you. I asked Anne Harry's mom to take care of you. I didn't know you ran away. But it was for the best. That guy was my boyfriend. I broke up with him because he hit you. But I'm writing this letter because I did a suicide. I knew you weren't gonna come back and I didn't wanna be here alone so I did a suicide. I hope you can forgive me one day. But for now I'm gonna miss you and I love you. I hope you grow up to fine a man that's gonna treat you right. I hope you have a beautiful wedding and have beautiful children with the man you love and wanna live your life with you. If I'm being honest that man is Harry. Liam is the most sweetest person to ever exist and I hope if you have any problems you go to him. Louis is the person who really doesn't care and I hope if you have a problem with someone at school. Talk to him about it because he will understand. Niall is adorable and funny. I hope if you need to laugh or something go to him to make you laugh. Zayn is the most care free person. If you want to have a drink with him go ahead I'm not stoping you. Harry is the flirting guy. When he looks at you I can tell he likes you. Go out with him Lydia. He will treat you right Lydia. I know that. I love you sweetheart. I'm really gonna miss you. I know I left with out saying goodbye but this is my goodbye. I love you sweetheart and I'll see you soon. But until then I hope you live your best life. I will watch you from above. I hope you don't forget me. I love you sweetheart. I love you so so much. Until next time. Goodbye my darling angle
    Love, mom"

I cried after reading that letter. Tears fell down my face harder than before. "Harry" I said "I'm right here" he answered back "you should read this letter and the other guys to" I said "read it to them" I said. "You sure" Harry asked "yeah I'm sure. I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I said.

Harry's POV
Were were in the hospital. Lydia handed me the letter to read to the boys. " you guys ready" I asked the boys "yeah" they all said "okay here goes nothing" I said. I began to read the letter.

The letter
"Lydia my darling baby girl. I'm so sorry about the name calling and hit. I'm sorry. I never knew that I would be the one who changed for the worst. You needed me and I wasn't there for you. I asked Anne Harry's mom to take care of you. I didn't know you ran away. But it was for the best m. That guy was my boyfriend. I broke up with him because he hit you. But I'm writing this letter because I did a suicide. I knew you weren't gonna come back and I didn't wanna be here alone so I did a suicide. I hope you can forgive me one day. But for now  I'm gonna miss you and I love you. I hope you grow up to fine a man that's gonna treat you right. I hope you have a beautiful wedding and have beautiful children with the man you love and wanna live your life with. If one being honest the man is Harry. Liam is the most sweetest person to ever exist and I hope if you have any problems you go to him. Louis is the person who really doesn't care and I hope if you have a problem with someone at school. Talk to him about it because he will understand. Niall is adorable and funny. I hope if you need to laugh or something go to him to make you laugh. Zayn is the most care free person. If you want to have a drink with him go ahead I'm not stoping you. Harry is the flirting guy. When he looks at you I can tell he likes you. Go out with him Lydia. He will treat you right. I know that. I love you sweetheart. I'm really gonna miss you. I know I left without saying goodbye but this is my goodbye. I love you sweetheart and I'll see you soon. But until then I hope you live your best life. I will watch you from above. I hope you don't forget me. I love you sweetheart. I love you so so much. Until neat time. Goodbye my darling
  Love, mom"

Wow I wasn't expecting any of that to be written in the letter. But we all cried. I looked at the boys they had tears in there eyes. Liam looked hurt more. I hope she's okay I really do.

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