Chapter 94

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*still Harry's POV*
Once we got that text from Gemma. Liam, Niall and I hop into my car. We drive to the school. As we walk in heads turn. We walk straight to The office. "How may I help you children today" the person in the front says "um well it's my girlfriends 16th birthday today and we are coming to school today but we wanna set up a little surprise for her. If you can help us with that please" I say "sure no problem" the person says "well we brought flowers, I want to have kids lined up once Lydia walks In The doors holding the flowers in their hand as she walks through collecting them. At the end of the line will be me and her friends and brothers holding up a banner that's says happy birthday" I say "yeah we want a crowd around the kids who are lined up cheering Lydia on" Liam says "I can get that done for you" the person says "thank you so much" I say "here are the flowers" Niall says. She smiles at us and we walk out. We get to Lydia's locker. I put the chocolate in her locker. I shut it and we walk back to the car. "Shes gonna cry" I hear Niall say. I let out a giggle. I start the car. We make our way home. After sometime we pull into the parking lot. We walk out of the car. Liam opens up the door. Lydia already gone. After sometime we are all dressed in our tux and red ties. We wrap up our presents. Put them in our trunk. We walk back to the house and sit down. After a few minutes Lydia returns. "I brought your girlfriend back Harry but we need to talk" Gemma says. I look at Lydia and she looks like she seen a ghost. I hesitantly shake my head 'yes'.

Lydia's POV

A tear slips down my cheek. The boys  are getting ready upstairs. There is a knock at the door. "Oh hey gem" I say "Lydia let's go" she says "bye guys I'll be back" I say. I walk out the house and lock the door behind me. "Wow Gemma you look very pretty" I say "not as pretty as you I mean look at you no wonder why my brother fell in love with you" she says. I smile at her. We walk to the car. "Is this yours" I say to her "no it's my moms" she says "nice" I say. I get in the car. "So where are we going" I say "surprise" Gemma says. I shake my head. She pulls out of the parking lot. After sometime we pull into some place. "The mall" I say to Gemma "what's here" I say "nothing...I.....Let's go" Gemma says. We get out of the car. We walk in. We start walking around the mall. Gemma buys some stuff for her. I look outside this window. I look at a white diamond pearl necklace in front of the glass. "Wow" I say "I know and I'll be back I have to get something for my mom from here" Gemma says. I shake my head. "I'll wait here" I say. She walks in. "Hey can I get a picture" someone ask. I turn around two your girls around the age of ten or eleven asks "um yeah sure but why me?" I ask "Well because your a great singer and I just want a good photo with the people who are amazing at something" the girl says "alright" I say. The girls take out their cameras and snap some photos of us. "Thank you" she says "your very welcome" I say. Just in time Gemma walk out. It's been a good hour and a half. With Gemma. It's 12:00. We make our way to the exit. I stop in my tracks when I see the guy who's been here before looking at me. Zayn mentioned him before. He's the one who wouldn't let me go from the restaurant. He's the one who's always stalking me and my friends. "Lydia!" Gemma says "sorry" I say. I walk into the car looking like I seen a fucking ghost. That can't be Caleb or Alex. It's just can't.  "What's wrong" Gemma says. I didn't answer "Lydia it's looks like you've seen a gohst. What happens" she say again. "I...I need tot talk to zayn" I say. She doesn't answer. She speeds up the car. I let a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away. After sometime we pull into the parking lot of my house. Gemma gets out. I get out as well. I open the door and walk in. The boys sitting down. "I brought  your girlfriend back Harry but we need to talk" I hear Gemma say. I look down at the floor. I feel Harry looking at me. Gemma and Harry walk upstairs. I let a tear slip down my face. "Whats going on?" I hear a voice say. I look up and it's Louis. "I need to talk to zayn" I say "but why?" Louis says "you'll find out soon I promise but for now I need to talk to zayn" I say. "Zayn!!" Louis shouts "yeah!" A voice shouts back "Lydia needs you!" Louis shouts back. Before I know it footsteps can be heard. I look at zayn. The tears come down my face. "What happened" zayn says "I'll leave you two alone" Louis says and walk out. "He was there at the mall zayn. The same guy I saw last time I went with Anne and Gemma to eat. At the mall when we all when together" I say "he was there again zayn" I say "hey...hey babe look at me it's okay. I will never let anyone hurt you. Never" zayn says and gives me a hug. "No one is allowed to lay there hands on you. Someone try's hurting you I would hurt them" I hear zayn says "I love you zaynie Poo" I say "I love you to" zayn says "now let's go get you fixed up" zayn says. He looks at me and holds out his hand "shall we" he says. I take his hand and let out  a giggle "we shall" I say. "Hey Louis!" Zayn shouts "yeah zayn!" Louis shouts back "we need to get lydia fixed up" zayn says. Before I know it two Boys are dragging me upstairs and towards Liam's room. "Oh no you guys didn't clean up his room" I say "eh we where" Louis says. I laugh at the boys. Louis fixes up my eye shadow. He wipes under my eyes. He fixes my mascara. "All done" Louis says. I smile at the boy. I stand up and walk to the mirror Liam has in his room. I look at myself. I haven't noticed the bays walked out. I walk out of the room and downstairs. "Happy birthday!!" They all say. I smile at the boys and Gemma. "Thank you!!" I say. I give each boy a hug and of course Gemma. "Let's go to school" Louis says. We all shake our head and Gemma gets in her car and goes home. I grab my phone and my backpack. I walk to the car. "Hey" I hear someone say beside me. I look up and meet piercing green eyes look down at me and my hazel eyes meet his. "Hi" I say and smile. He gives me a hug and a kiss. "Wow" I say "w-what was that for" I say. He laughs at me and smirks. "Btw I like that dress on you" Harry says "I like the way you guys decided to match with me" I say "it was Louis idea" Harry says "well I have to thank louis than" I say. Harry grabs my hand and we walk to the car. We get in not enough room so I have to sit on Harry's lap. "Let's go" I say "okay bossy" Niall says "shhh! That's our secret" I say. The boys start laughing. "Thank you Louis and zayn" I say "for?" Zayn says "matching with me today" I say "your welcome princess" I hear Liam say "thx li" I say. He starts the car and we drive to school. After sometime we pull into the parking lot.

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