Part 12

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We arrive at Liam's. His house is bigger than mine. " wow" I say. The boys laugh. Harry has a cute laugh. Niall's is adorable so is Liam's, zayn's and Louis. "Wow your house is nice li I mean Liam" I say. Liam laughs " thank you and you can call me li if you want to" he says. I smile at him. "So what are we gonna do?" Niall asks. " well I was thinking we order pizza, watch a movie and play a game" Liam says " what game?" Louis asks. I hoped he wouldn't say truth or dare " truth or dare" Liam said. " yeah no I'm not playing" I said. The boys turned around and looked at me. " why not?" Zayn asked. "Let's just say last time I got a dare to have sex in the closet" I said. The boys laughed. "Well we won't do extreme dares like that" Liam said "okay" I said "so you'll play?" Harry asked. I hesitated for a minute. " yeah, I'll play" i say " yess" all the boys said. I just laughed. We went to go sit downs on the couch. " so Lydia why'd you move here?" Louis asks. "Well um" I didn't know what to say. " you don't have to tell us" Niall said. " no I think I should" I said back. " whenever your ready just tell us" Harry said "hey Liam we're the kitchen" I asked "right over there" Liam said . I ran to the kitchen. The boys ran behind Me. " Lydia are you okay?" Harry asked. " no" I said " is it about why you moved here?" Louis asked "yeah" I said " you don't have to talk about it. If you don't want to" Niall said "no I think I should" I said " we're here for you"Liam said "thanks but you can't judge me on what I say okay?" I told them " we would never judge you Lydia" zayn said "are you sure your all right?" Harry asked "yes, now let's go talk" I said. I walked back to the living room. Sat down. The boys fallowed behind. I took a deep breath. I can tell the boys were worried I just hope they wouldn't judge. " okay so before I moved here. My dad would abuse me and my mom. both me and my mom" I said " I woke up one morning to my parents yelling at each other. I got ready. I ran down stairs to find only my mom because my dad left. I asked if she was alright. She said she was fine but I saw a hand print around her throat" I said. I guess I've been crying because Harry wipes my tears. " I went to school like normal. But the worst part about that was my best friend had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend would hit me whenever he wanted to in front of her or not. So the only way to hand all of this was to do the only thing I had in mind. But other than that my mom and dad got divorced and the furthest place away from him was London. He wouldn't be able to find us. Which is the good part." I say " if you don't mind me asking. Did you cut is that what you meant" Liam asked. I looked to the floor. Started to cry a bit more than ever. " show me your wrist" Harry said " what why" I asked him "just show me your wrist " Harry said. He had tears in his eyes. I looked at The others guys and they did to. " don't cry guys please" I said " we love you Lydia" Niall said. I went to stand up but they tackled me in a big group hug. " I love you guys too" I said back. That's when I knew these were gonna be my best friends for life.

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