Chapter 61

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I'm woken up with little kisses on my cheek. I wake up to see a Harry with no shirt on. "You have no shirt. It's hot" I say "good morning to you to" he says. I get up from my bed. " what should I wear" I says he looks in my closet. "This" he says. Handing me my pink adidas crop top with my pink ripped jeans and my pink nike Shoes. "Nice taste  Mr. styles" I say "I know" he says. I take of my shirt and slip on my pink adidas crop top. I take off my shorts and slip on my pink ripped jeans. I slip on my pink nike shoes. I put my hair in a pony. Pink ruber band and a pink scrunchie on top. I put on my mascara and clear lip gloss. "You know you don't need makeup"Harry says " I know it just makes me feel more beautiful" I say "don't even dare. Your beautiful the way you are" Harry says "I love you" I say " I love you way more" Harry says. I open my door and walk down stairs. Harry following behind. "Your awake" Liam ask "yeah I was just changing" I say "what are we gonna do today" I say "hangout" Liam says. I shake my head in agreement. I sit down. Harry sits beside me. "Don't forget we're going on a date with my family tomorrow" Harry says "hey Liam" I say "yeah" he says "let me borrow your car real quick please" I say "sure" he says "here are my keys" he says. He tosses my keys. "Stay  here" I say to Harry "be safe" he says "I will" I say "I love you guys be back soon" I say. I get my phone out and call Louis and zayn.

"Hey what's up lydia" Louis and zayn say
"I have a date with harry and his family tomorrow"I say "I need help picking out an outfit" I say "help me please" I say
"Okay" zayn says "alright" Louis says
"I'm gonna come pick you guys up" I say
"Okay be safe" zayn says "I will" I say.

I Hang up  the phone and Start the car. I drive away and to Louis house. As I pull up in the drive way Louis already waiting outside. "Hey" Louis says "hey" I say "so what are you planing on wearing" Louis says "i don't know that's why i need  your help " I say to him. We pull up into zayns drive way. "Hey" zayn says "hey" I say "so I'm glade to help just please don't kill me" zayn says "I'm not Gonna" I say. I play the radio. Impossible is playing. I turn it up. Zayn,Louis and me singing along. We start driving to the mall. I pull up in the drive way. " okay we are here" I say "nice" Louis says. We walk out of the car and into the mall were there is a bunch of little shops. "Let's go over here" Louis says "wow that dress is pretty" I say "try it on" zayn says. He gives me this nice white dress kinda see-through with flowers or butterflies on it, with see through white shoes to Match. "Wow babe you look nice" zayn says "thanks"I say "this one to" Louis says. He hands me a read dress, see through. He hands me red shoes with shoes lace to tie it up in the back. "I like it" I say "I do to" Louis says "try this one on" zayn says. He hands me a pink one with Long sleeves a little see through, has white flowers on it, with pink shoes that match "I like it" I say "we both do" they say. "Wow they are expensive" I say "I'll buy it for you" zayn says "no zayn" I say. He looks at me and smiles. "To late" he says. Omg. "Let's go here now" zayn says "I'll buy you this necklace" Louis says "no please" I says "to late" Louis says. "Let's go here" zayn says "the purse store" I say "let's go" Louis says and grabs my arm. "Here's a red one that will look good with the red dress" says zayn "here a white one" says Louis "and here's a pink one" I says. I go to the cashier. I grab my dads credit card. Gosh I miss my dad. The lady hands me back my card. We walk out. "Who wants Starbucks my treat" I say "me" Louis says "me two" zayn says. We order our Starbucks and I pay. We walk out of the mall and to the car. I put my bags in the trunk. "Thank you for the dresses,shoes and necklaces" I say "you didn't have to do it but you did and I appreciate it" I say "your welcome" the both say "I will take you out to dinner someday" I say "as a payback" I say again "I love you" zayn says "I love you to" Louis say "I love you most" I say to them. I start the car. I turn on the radio and bad romance started playing. I started singing along. The boys did as well.  We pull to the drive way of my house. I get out of the car. "Can you guys help me carry this to my room" I say "sure" Louis and zayn say. I open the door to the house. I walk up to my room. The boys follow behind. They  set my stuff on the bed. I hand them there drinks. "Thank you" I say "your welcome" they say. I close my door and walk downstairs. "I'm home" I say "oh we didn't even hear you come in" Liam says "I know" I say. I hand him his car Keys. "Babe!!" Harry says behind me. "Hi!!!" I say "I missed you so much" he says "it's only been and hour and a half" I say "so" he says. He gives me a hug. He takes my coffee and drink some. I sit down on the couch.

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