Chapter 77

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I woke up this morning. The boys still asleep. The sunlight bleeding through the curtains. I
Got out of bed and walked to my room. I grabbed my shorts and my white crop top rips in the Corners. I put my hair in a pony. I went to the bathroom. I took off my bandage and cleaned my cuts. Gosh they look so gross. I walk back to the boys room. Still asleep. I grab my phone and snap a quick photo. "Wake up!!!" I scream. The all jump up. I laugh. "Why'd you do that" Louis says "you guys were asleep" I say. I walk out the room. "I hate you!!" Louis screams "I hate me too!!!" I scream back. I reach the bottom of the stairs. I take a deep breathe. "You alright" someone says behind me. I turn around. Zayn. "Yeah I mean I just I don't know" I say "why" zayn says "talk to me" zayn says "well I just feel like I'm loosing  my mind . I know someone was outside my window lays night. I felt it. I seen it" I say "your not loosing your mind" zayn says "I believe you" he says again "thank you" I say. I give him a Hug. "Hey Lydia someone calling you!!" Harry shouts "I'm coming!" I shout back. I walk to the room. Harry hands me my phone.

"Hello?" I say "is this Mrs rose" Someone says "yes it is. May I ask
Who calling" I say "the hospital we just wanted to remind you that your appointment is at 7:30 to get your stitches out" the person says "okay thank you. I'll be there tomorrow" I say "alright have a good day Mrs rose" the person says "you to" I say. I hangup the call

"Who was it"Liam asks "the hospital" I say "I get my stitches out tomorrow" I say "cool" Louis says "yeah I guess so" I say "You alright" Louis ask "yeah I'm fine" I say. I grab my phone and walk downstairs. "Imma run" I say "wait Lydia!!" Zayn shouts. I run out the door. I run to my old house. No ones living there. I get into the house. Still looks the same.

Knock was heard at the door. I run downstairs. I open the door and I have to be honest that person I'm front of me was hot. Curly brown hair, pink plumed lips, and green eyes, he was dreamy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he said "hi" he said. He smiled at me and oh my god he has the most cutest smile ever. I finally spoke "hi" I said back to the boy. "I should introduce myself" he laughed,such a cute laugh. "My name is Harry" Harry said.  that's such a cute name. "My name is lydia" I said "wow that's a pretty name" Harry said "thank you" I said "I heard that you and your mom are new to the community" Harry said "yeah we are. We just needed a good change" I said "yeah everybody needs change sometimes" Harry said laughing. "Yeah" I laughed and smiled. "Well I live 2 houses down" Harry said "so if you need me, I'm just 2 houses down" Harry said. Wow I didn't say anything so basically he is my neighbor but 2 houses down. "I got to get going,I'll see you later, yeah?" He said "yeah" I responded back and gave him a small smile. Wow I didn't know I would make a new friend on the second day being here more like the first. He was so perfect. I can't get him out of my head. His perfect curls and his green eyes. He was perfect. "Lydia!" My Mom calls. "Lydia!"  She calls again "down here!" I scream at her. "Your up  early" my mom says "Someone was knocking, so I answered it" I say to my mom. "Oh who?" She asks "a boy named Harry" I say "oh" she says smiling "what?" I say  looking at her suspiciously "nothing" she says "what are we gonna do today?" I ask my mom "we're gonna go shoping for school clothes and supplies" she says "okay" I say to my mom. "You should go get ready" my mom says "okay" I tell her. I run up to my room put on some ripped jeans and a crop top. I slip on my adidas and put  my hair up in a pony  tail. I actually look good. I go downstairs my mom has her jeans on and a plain black t shirt, she has her sandals on. "You ready?" My mom asks "yes" I say.

Flashback 2
"Lydia!" My Mom calls me and snaps me out of my thoughts "Lydia!" She calls again "yes mom!" I yell back at her "come eat dinner" my mom says "okay. I'm coming" I says I run downstairs and into  the kitchen. She made pasta for dinner. It looks so good. "Wow mom this looks good" I say "thank you sweetheart and I know right" she says back. We both laugh. "You know mom this is exactly what we needed a good change. It was time for one" I say to my mom "yeah sweetheart it was a good change" she says back to me. I don't reply I just smile and stuff my face with food.  I get done eating my pasta that my mom made "Wow mom that was good" I say to my mom "thank you sweetheart" my mom says. I go to check the time and it was 10:39. Wow time flew by so fast. "Well mom I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed" I say "thank you again for dinner" I  thank my mom and  kiss her on the cheek.

Flashback 3
"Lydia!" My Mom says "Lydia!" She calls out again "coming!" I yell back at her. I grab my backpack, my phone and my schedule. "Yes mom" I say. She turns around. "Wow sweetheart you look gorgeous" she says smiling at me "thank you" I say smiling back at her. "I made you pancakes"she says "thank you mom" I say and go to the kitchen. I sit down and pour  syrup on my pancakes. I feel more nervous than ever. I get done eating. "So sweetheart are you ready  to go?" My mom asks "yeah I'm just nervous" I say "that's fine honey"my mom says "yeah" I say smiling "well then let's go" my mom says. I put my plate in the sink. I grab my backpack and my phone. I get in the car. "Sweetheart your going to do fine. You will have all the boys drooling at your feet when they see how you dressed today" she says smiling at me. I laugh but manage to say "thank you mom". we arrived at school  and it was bigger than I pictured.
End of flashbacks.

I didn't know I was crying until I let  out a loud sob. "God I miss you" I say "I don't know why you had to do it" I say "i got the phone  call from my boyfriend and it hurt knowing you were gone" I say "without saying goodbye" I say. I cry for at least a good hour. I stop crying. I look around the house. It's empty. I walk upstairs and to my room. I find out my room still had a picture on it of me, my mom and dad. I take it off the wall. I walk to my mom room. Empty. I walk downstairs. I walk to the kitchen. Empty. I clean  my eyes. I walk back to the house. I stop outside the door. I sit down on the steps. My phone starts to ring.

"Lydia where  the fuck are you" liam says "outside the door" I say. The call ends.

The door swings open. Someone sits down beside me. "Where'd you go" the voice asks. I turn around. It's Louis. "I went back home" I say "I needed Air. Flashbacks playing in my head of the house and the memories. Were I first met Harry" I say. "Well you don't have to worry about that house anymore" Louis says "I know I just needed to get away for a while" I say "and cry" Louis says "yeah" I say. Louis gives me a hug. "Well" Louis says "don't scare me like that okay" Louis says. I shake my head. "Let's go" Louis says "I don't want them To be mad at me" I say "there not there just worried" Louis says. I take a deep breathe. "I found this in the house. The only thing that's was in there" I say handing Louis the photo. He smiles at it. I take a deep breathe. I twist the door nob. I walk inside.

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