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So, remember when I told Willow and Xander, I couldn't forgive them yet well I may have, Roman decided he had enough of Sunnydale and moved to one of the houses in White chapel, Roman had been emancipated on his sixteenth birthday, my grandparents signed the papers before they died. With Roman's parents gone, they wanted to make sure Rome could take care of himself. Anyway, he moved to the Canadian house. 

He and Willow did reconcile but their relationship was gone for. 

While I'm angry at Willow and Xander for cheating on people they supposedly cared for, I would rather stake myself or eat a mouth full of silver than ever cheat on Oz, they're still my best friends.

We walked out of the classroom and into the halls, heading to us girls' lockers. Xander and Oz followed. 

"And then he just bailed." Buffy told us about her encounter with Angel last night. "He just took off; it was so weird."

"Angel? Weird? What are the odds." Xander said.

 I gave him a look.

"Do you think something's wrong?" I asked her. "Maybe we should tell Giles?"

The three of us opened our lockers and got what they need.

"No I don't wanna bug Giles. He's still kinda twitchy when it comes to the subject of Angel" She said taking off her jacket and hung it in her locker.

"Well, it must be that whole Angel-killed-his-girlfriend-and-tortured-him thing. Hey, Giles is pretty petty when it comes to stuff like that." Xander said.

 Buffy took a brown paper bag from her locker and then closed the door. 

"Xan enough, okay? you will never understand the pressure of what Angel goes through" I told him grabbing my shoulder bag with my sketch pad and stuff in it and closed my locker door.

"And you do?" Xander asked.

"Of course, I do just because I'm a 'vegetarian' doesn't mean I don't have impulses only difference is I was born not bitten and had people to teach me right from wrong Angel didn't" I said. "My father and grandfather weren't the best either, but they overcame it I think Angel will too, he could be a miracle for the Hellmouth like Godric always said I was for our community. A chance for equality." 

Buffy looked at me in a thankful manner for sticking up for her boyfriend, I smiled at her.  

Willow zipped up her book bag and closed her locker as, we all started down the hall. I grabbed Oz's hand leaning into him. 

"Maybe Angel just has the holiday blues. Everybody gets 'em. Especially when they're alone." Willow muttered.

"It's just so frustrating. I'm trying to do the right thing and stay away from him and get over it, and then boom, there he is. I just want a nice, quiet Christmas vacation." Buffy told us.

We walked into to the student lounge a Christmas tree is set up there, the room was total festive mood. I sighed looking away.

"So, you doing anything special Tori for your Birthmas?" Xander said.

A birthmas was a combination of a birthday on Christmas which just so happened to be my day, Mom and I usually did the same thing every year go visit our family crypt.

"Mom and I plan on going up to Shreveport and visit Dad and my grandparents" I told them with a small smile. They looked at me with sympathy.  "Don't do that, I'm not sad about it. I'm actually happy for once, remembering them once a year is good." 

"What are you doing Will?" Buffy asked.

"Being Jewish. Remember people? Not everybody worships Santa." Willow retorted.

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