Where The Wild Things Are

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I had a really long night volunteering at the hospital like I do every night and finishing my portfolio, and handling my other chores, Buffy thinks she has it hard balancing real life and Slayer life but me? I have real life, slayer and vampire life. 

This area has had a big change too, Calum has finally taken Tobias's place so now we got a new king. A vampire royal can only stay for a time period then the new king or queen will take over. Tobias and his mate were headed for a new town for their 'retirement', Calum and his mate Sophia will take over. So far Calum has been doing great. 

He has also been dealing with the vampires whom escaped from the underground prison, unfortunately when a vampire cannot feed they will go into a shock and end up in a coma like state during that time there is no way of helping them without them going crazy because they hadn't had blood in so long, the last time it happened, it turned into a bloodbath. So with the ones Calum finds If they pass a certain amount of time then I end up having to stake...not my favorite pastime.

Anyway I was sitting at Giles' apartment with the gang plus Riley. Buffy and Riley had went patrolling last night letting me have a few weeks off to deal with this. They came across a demon and vampire working together, certain communities haven't worked together in a long time. There are reasons why we despise them.

"There's always been a great discord between them." Giles said holding a rolled up piece of paper. "And yet you say that the vampire went to the demon's aid? The two of them were working as a team?"

"Everything" Buffy said sitting on Riley's lap. Willow and Tara were across from them, I sat beside them and Giles was next to Buffy. "Except giving each other little pats on the behind."

"Extraordinarily odd." Giles said sitting back. "As a rule demons have no empathy for any of the species other than their own."

"Like they're any better than us." I said scoffing and crossed my arms in defense, earning a look from Anya. "most of the communities think of us...vampires as abominations mixing with human blood"

"But you don't drink human blood." Tara said making me look at her. "R-right?"

"Yeah but try telling them that." I told her calmly.

"So...what brought these two together?" Willow asked.

"Not what...who" Riley said.

"Adam." Giles said pulling off his glasses.

"Think about it." Buffy said. "Who better to bring together a bunch of...demon types than someone who's made out of...a bunch of demon types?"

"So he's um bridging the gap between the races" Tara said.

"Huh" Willow muttered quietly. "Like Martin Luther King."

"Um I suggest that uh," Giles said clearing his throat glancing over at Riley, Buffy and then I. "Over the next several nights you three concentrate your patrol in that same area. If there are any other peculiar pairings or groupings, you let me know."

"I'll let the squad know as well." Riley said. "they're patrolling, We'll have a, uh, reserve unit out during the party."

"Party?" Giles asked frowning.

"Tomorrow night, we're having a thing." Riley told him.

"At a time like this?" Giles asked giving him a look. "Who, well, whose idea was that?"

"Mine." Riley and I said at the same time, we looked at each other. 

"Boys are pretty ragged." Riley said.

"And while they're busy we have time to hunt and restock, blood is becoming hard for us." I added frowning. "You know what's going to happen if this continues, Calum just took over this area and we could be forced to leave." I looked down at my hands, before looking back up at them staring at me with sympathetically. "I know staking is in the job description, but these ones didn't do anything wrong."

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