⇞ glossary ⇞

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* Udairis*  The water Kingdom. Blessed by the powers of water and wealth. One of the strongest Kingdom in the Elemental Realm with rule over both air and earth Kingdoms. Also, have power over all the water bodies in the realm.

Ruled by King Sverre and Queen Helene

*Krobet* The Fire Kingdom. Most feared Kingdom in the Elemental Realm because of the destructive power they hold. Also, the keeper of magical creature, Unicorn, who was a symbol of flourishment and success for a Kingdom. Is known to be the land of scholars and warriors.

Ruled by King Eskil and Queen Judith

*Zyphira* The Air Kingdom. Now under the rule of Udairis and one with the largest army. They are known for healer, herbs, and cure. Feared for their stealth mode of fighting and sudden attacks from the air.

Ruled by King Sigurd.

*Aegnia* The Earth Kingdom. Also under the rule of Udairis and is known as crafters. They have an abundance of food, weapon, handcrafter exquisite goods, gems and priceless stones. 

Ruled by a widowed Queen Herdis.


Please Note: Things might be added to glossary later as well. For now., Welcome aboard!


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