⇞ amulet ⇞

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We were detouring before going to the Air Kingdom to get me an amulet.

It was supposed to mask my power among the royals. It was the market of the Earth Kingdom where people actually looked up at the King and smiled. Everyone knew who I was and no one hid the hatred in their eyes. Even though Udairis almost owned Aegnia but they didn't care. They hated me.

We left the carriage back when he had to climb a steep hill to reach a temple. There the head of the temple was supposed to have amulets made for various purposes from bad health to protection from black magic.

Nazereth held my hand all this while shielding me from the harsh gaze and hate of the people.

But it was not affecting me a bit because I could understand why they hated me and also because Nazereth was doing all this just for me.

At times as we climbed I would notice girls admiring him, giggling among themselves and praising him.

"The female population admires you," I said not trying to sound sour.

Honestly having a handsome husband is not always that good, because every time you step out they all blatantly ogle him. But in this scenario it was different, I can feel what he feels and he was the least bit interested or I should say aware of the attention he was getting.

He kept walking forward with a frown set on his face. Even with his eyes that would terrify people, since they were coal-black just a flicker of fire in them but still his beauty surpassed everything.

"They should admire what is good." He said and I held back happiness and shock at his comment.

A minor comment was filled with arrogance and amusement, the little part of old Nazereth.

"No, they should not when the Queen is right next to him." I felt more courageous with his words.

I was worried visiting the Earth Kingdom would be painful for him but besides the frown, he was holding out just fine. There was a slight stiffness to his whole posture but otherwise, I could feel or see nothing even when I was holding his hand.

"Can you get an amulet to shield yourself from my powers?" I asked him in a careful tone.

"No, I would rather not." He stated not explaining further.

He would not? But that would mean he would not have to worry about my words trapping him.

"In this world, there is no one who would understand my pain then." He said in a heavy voice.

He wouldn't know it but his words meant a lot to me, he wanted me to be able to see how he feels, almost sharing his heart and mind with me.

The temple came into vision and that is when I felt a sharp tug of pain and memories.

He had been here with Dalia who at the time was buying him an amulet to protect him from evil magic. She got a small marble bead for him and attached it to the belt around his robe. He rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I can't handle little magic, I am the fire master." He looked younger, almost glowing and very handsome.

His eyes were like molten lava brimming with warmth.

He was showing off with an adorable smile I have never seen him give to anyone at the present time.

As much as it was endearing to see, I felt miserable for him as he was going through the pain again. I felt now that I was violating the time between the two. She kissed his cheek and he laughed at her excited face to see him attach the belt without any whining.

"Our kids will be superstitious because of you." He mocked and the ache in my chest made tears form in my eyes.

Because he was feeling it and I was feeling both his pain and mine.

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