⇞ warmth and support ⇞

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"And I thought you said he was king," Drian said in a pained tone.

I remembered when he was little and I would sing him to sleep just because we had no food and his stomach grumbled. He would pretend to close his eyes so that I would stop singing and don't tire myself. He was maybe five or six then.

The concern in his eyes was still the same.

"Should I sing?" I said lightly not trying to show the pain I was feeling on seeing his injuries.

"You have been living with someone like him, someone so...monstrous?"

"He is not," I said rather sharply.

Through the memories, I have seen him as a kind and beautiful person that he is.

"Why are you defending him?" Drian asked with a frown.

"He has lost everything and everyone he loved. Just imagine for a second if you went through the same." I said and Drian actually thought for a moment.

"I would kill everyone in my presence." He said in a defeated tone.

"Then he would kill everyone who came here from Udairis?" Drian concluded the plan.

I didn't agree to anything.

"I would not let anything happen to you," I said bravely.

He chuckled at my attempt but that made him wince as well due to all the injuries on his body.

And rest of the night passed with us talking and then he drifted to sleep while I was too scared to do so.

A few hours later the King entered and I looked at him, from his state he didn't get any sleep last night either.

"Him, drag him out," King said and I saw that he pointed to Drian.

"No, no, don't do that. I beg you." I said not ashamed of literally begging him to protect Drian.

His eyes darkened in anger and guards woke up a sleeping Drian and dragged him. I followed along. When we stepped outside I realized it was still dark, closer to the time of dawn.

"Tie him to the pole, let's see how well he can handle the heat of the fire."

And guards followed. Drain avoided looking at me knowing too well I will break down on seeing his pain.

I was running out of threats and ideas and the panic was building in my body.

He clicked his finger and fire started burning under the wooden pull and a sharp scream escaped Drian's mouth.

And I reached out to Nazereth's hand, grabbing it desperately," I will do anything you want me to do. I will die, run or be a spy for you, anything you want, please don't kill him. He has been my family more than my family while I was locked in a tower."

"And I should care about your family because?" He asked with confusion evident in his eyes.

I tried what I did before and held his hand, taking away all the pain if that is even possible. The flicker in his eyes flashed a moment before extinguishing again. His eyes locked with mine, the hate, the anger was gone, he just stared as I felt his pain seep into me.

Then I knew he was in pain but the amount shocked me yet again as it came down crashing on me. My bone, my soul everything squirmed with sharp ache. For some reason, his pain has intensified at that moment.

"What is this? What are you doing? For a moment I actually thought of not killing this soldier." And he jerked his hand away looking shocked.

I gasped and fell on the ground.

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