⇞ new turn ⇞

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Three days. He actually didn't visit me in prison. Maybe it was a reality check for me. Why did I fall in love with the man who was destined to hate me? I was born to live with heartaches. 

"My queen." I heard Myron's voice and for some reason, I felt hopeful.

Can he get me another poison, would it be cowardly to do this again? Was I suppose to live and end my life because of one man who I loved with all my heart and he hated me with all his heart.

"Myron, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you," I said weakly, barely any energy left in me since I was living on bread crumbs my body not accepting the food.

"You look unwell." He sounded genuinely concerned about me.

"I think I was not meant to live happily Myron."

"King looks distraught as well, he said you were acting as a spy and not to trust a word you utter," Myron said in a nervous tone.

I just scoffed the words hurting me again, of course, he was distraught according to him another person he cared about broke his trust.

"What do you think Myron?" I asked and waited for the answer of the kind old man that I know.

"I think King has a severe misunderstanding."

I smiled in relief. 

"Just let me know how I can help and I will make King see that he needs you."

Oh, I wish he needed me.

"Thank you so much, Myron, for the kind words. I think you have been too kind to me."

He must also hate me for knowing that I was a Princess of Udairis.

"I believe your family doesn't define you in all means, you are your own individual person." He said like the wise man he was guessing my thoughts.

"Take care of Ciara for me?" I asked not wanting to pull her into this.

"She is already in another prison for trying to protect you."

Tears welled in my eyes. I hated being an Empath, feeling emotions so strongly and yet just not enough hate for my husband.

"Good Night My Queen," Myron said sliding the food and some herbs on my plate and I gave him a grateful smile.

Later that night, I woke up by a loud noise of locks breaking as the sword hit the metal gates.

I woke up trembling in shock and a little bit of cold.

"Hello, Princess Zephora." 

It was the Leaders of Blood Assassin, Markheen. Her eyes were glistening and she had longer hair from the last time. She was beautiful in a unique way like she would mingle in the crowd well but if she decided to allure a man, she definitely could.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a little worried that she might be here to kill me as her job by someone, maybe Odette want me out of the picture.

"I am here to help you escape, do you want to run away?" Who told her about me being in prison?

Silence echoed around me as a heavy decision weighed in my heart.

Seconds ticked by and she didn't ask me again, just waited.

"Yes," I answered finally sighing as I made my choice.

Running would prove that I am guilty when I am not.

But I didn't really care, I wanted to be away from all that pain and maybe learn to control my power and disappear somewhere he can't ever find me.

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