⇞ confrontation ⇞

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I knew the man was brutal and I knew that he would use my soft spot for Drian to his advantage. But I felt pride at my quick thinking and hiding the dagger subtly before he could spot it. Unlike my weapon, the fire weapon was a big staff for him to see and prove that I came here to steal.

If Nazereth walked in right then it would not look good.

We could be killed for the kind of theft I just performed.

But the utter satisfaction at this moment was the furious look on King's face and shocked look on Drian's face who successfully didn't remember a thing. I sighed in relief when King caught the surprised look on his face.

"Apparently, you have been taught some skills while you left home."

His charade to me, his beloved hidden daughter and as he sarcastically said Princess was still in process.

Apparently the guards were still aware that I was the Princess that got the huge wedding.

"Have you lost your ability to speak now?" He snapped at me and I noticed everyone around us flinched.

But surprisingly I was not scared of him like I was last time, I was worried for Nazereth and that was all. Somehow as if the dagger felt my worry I felt a warmth flow through me where I had kept the dagger. I relaxed a little not understanding the feeling and slow smile formed on my face.

"What is it, father? Do you want to through me in prison?" I asked and almost gasped out loud at the words I said.

If he looked angry before, he looked enraged right then.

"Leave us." He said and Drian had the uneasy look on his face.

I gave him a slow nod and he left looking heavily concerned for me.

As soon as he left, King came forward and grabbed my neck choking me rather harshly. I struggled to breathe and my eyes started burning. His grip was not only strong it was literally pressing on the nerves that could kill me if pressed any tighter.

Let me go.

I said in my head sounding something between a command and pleading as the pain in my left side kept increasing almost causing me to feel paralytic. The little needle was working it's magic now.

But the command work even on someone as powerful as him as he let my neck go and stepped back with slight confusion on his face.

I coughed and gasped back for air filling my burning lungs to breathe again.

"How did you reach the weaponry?" He asked in a low dangerous tone.

"Umm...I had spies in here." I said not sure what else I should say.

"Do you remember the feeling of being drowned, maid?" He said hatefully.

I needed quick thinking to get out of this if he doesn't kill me first.

"You know I can kill you right here and just tell people that your traitor husband was using my own daughter against me." He said giving me the option to confess.

And he would kill me, he could kill me just then and all hope would be lost. And I still haven't told Nazereth my truth but then again would it be better to die rather than telling him and facing the hate that I was so afraid of?

But who will avenge my family's torture then? Who will stop King of Udairis if Nazereth loses his will to fight and live?

"You can't kill me, remember you made me the spy?"

"And then King started hating on you. He doesn't trust you anymore I know that much. Is it not why you haven't reported for more than two months?"

Because I was with Blood Assassins.

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