⇞ heartache ⇞

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I was invited for the pre-ball games but it turned out I was there as a dressed-up audience and nothing else. I sat among the royal women and watched the archery, the fencing, the usual horse racing and cheered for my husband who excelled at whatever he did.

He was that prodigy everyone loved and hated.

Prince of Udairis, on the other hand, was hating this. I knew why. It was not because he was jealous of Nazereth, he was afraid of his father and his harsh reaction to his loss. Every time a game ended, I was dragged by Ciara to change the dresses and it made no sense whatsoever. 

My mood was sour on top of that because Princess of Air Kingdom, Odette as Jillian told me. She was cheering a little too much interest in my husband. And even though he was paying her no attention, her advantages over me made me feel sad deep inside. 

If anyone really knew who I was, I will probably be hated and killed. She was right in saying that I will always remind King of the worst part of his life and loss.

But my day worsened further when I walked back with a new dress on the stands for the last game of the day, the elemental pillar. Every member with elemental power would step to the big ages-old pillar with runes and engravings and would use their elemental power, basically who can break down that unbreakable pillar is the winner.

And for this, the seat next to me was vacated as Odette walked out to take place in the game. 

A few moments later, my 'father' King of Udairis walked and sat down in the empty spot. I froze in disgust and fear. So far he had greeted me with a nod or give me a subtle evil smile but since I was sent as a sacrifice we never had to talk. I was dreading the words out of his mouth.

"How are you, Queen?" He said it like an insult.

"I am fine, how is everything back home," I asked mostly about Drian.

"Your brother is promoted to first rankers."

He was alive and well and that is what mattered. 

"Also as I have heard he wants to help you escape your married life." I winced mentally realizing Drian's first impression of Nazereth was not nice.

"He wouldn't do anything like that I will talk to him," I muttered trying not to sound so stressed.

"I am surprised though, how are you even alive. I thought he would kill you somehow, poison, hunting accident, attack by assassins, etc, etc." King sounded amused.

"I guess I am not as hateful as my father."

"Careful my daughter." He threatened and then gave me a fake smile gently patting my head.

A strong surge of anger hit me and I realized Nazereth could see us.

"Stay away from me." I hissed hatefully.

"Oh, but I can't you see. I am not a fool, I know you went to seas and I know you obtained something precious." 

Yeah my pet who loved Krobet's forest more than me and I seldom see it.

"I can sense that King is protective of you and I can still use you as a leverage. Tell me how will he feel if he knew you lied to him about everything, who you are and why you married him."

I gulped and tears formed in my eyes.

"You sent me as a sacrifice and now you want me to do what?"

"Use that seduction technique you are using to gather some information for me."

I would never. I was already prepared for this when he sent me. I would just pretend to send information that is false and misleading.

I nodded looking down not letting him see through my eyes.

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