⇞ only solution ⇞

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When I opened my eyes I wondered if I was in a dream, a peaceful dream where I was back home. My body was not aching and yet I knew it was not a dream because if this was, my heart and soul would be crushing in agony. It felt like I was being poked with sharp glass splinters, again and again.

I got up and found him sitting on a chair next to my bed.

Now I wished it was a dream because I could not face him in reality. Why was he still here? Why has he not tried to abandon me after he has seen my disgusting side? I wished he did abandon me so that he doesn't have to see me die. I can't tell him I was almost dying.

His head was hung low and even without the weapon and a tired broken soul, I could feel his pain and despair. He was still worried about me, he was praying for my safety and I could feel love emitting from him. Just in case it was a dream, I wanted it to end but not too soon.

"Nazereth." I called out carefully ignoring the taste of blood in my mouth.

He head shot up in surprised and he came to me immediately.

"You are fine, thank God you are fine." He said mumbling in panic.

Even after years together I have never seen him like this.

I nodded trying to hide the fact that I was infact dying from within. If I could describe the pain then it felt like I was burn and something kept throwing salt on it.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

Because this dream will end and I am in great pain.

"Glad to see you." I said my voice choking with emotions.

He pulled in for a hug, that almost made me lose my breath but I just let him do it because I might not get a chance again.

"How did I got here?" I asked.

He sighed stepping away a little but still holding my hand.

"Morel. He says you almost died in the spirit Kingdom."

"I gave up on the weapon and it took a slight toll and I am fine now." I said with a small smile.

"Are you really?" He asked looking at me with concern.

I nodded feeling the little annoyance from him and it hurt me more than I expected.

"Do you hate me now?" I asked before I lost the courage.

"I could never, why would I?

"Because I was.... not myself." I said struggling with the right word.

And that made him smile, actually smile.

"You think I would hate you for that? I have tortured you and yet here you are loving me what all your heart."

"Because I could feel the pain you were suffering from."

"I am your husband Zephora, even without the power like you  I knew you were in pain too."

He loved me, even after what I did, what I became.

"I might have turned into what myths talked about."

"You are too good for that, sooner or later you could have just given up."

Goodness was indeed my anchor.

"I did terrible things." I mumbled shamefully.

"We are humans, we make mistake. And there is nothing horrible you."

"I would have killed the King of Udairis."

"Which would have been good actually." He said in a light tone.

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