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"It has been amazing these few weeks to come back and be with my sisters" taehyung said as she leaned towards Jin the Jimin.

"And to celebrate, we'll have a homecoming ball. To celebrate your returning"


Hoseok has noticed that these past few days taehyung has been acting...not like herself. She doesn't hang out with him a lot, and she always comes home late.


Hoseok places back and forth in their little dorm room, he waited for taehyung since she hasn't come back.

The door opened to see taehyung with more fancier clothes and lots and lots of shopping bags.


"Where were you?!"

Taehyung scoffed, "am I not allowed to hang out with my friends?"


"Yea, my royal friends...you know...money people"

"Well, we still have a few hours before midnight, and it's Thursday, you wanna do our famous nacho bowl and binge watch movies?"

"No, that's too...out of my taste" taehyung said as she walked away.


Taehyung has been hanging out with some princess and princes from other kingdom since they would also be attending the ball.

She's finally relieved to have some more friends.

Taehyung's pov

Honestly hanging out with Hoseok was getting boring. He never had money for expensive thing and I wanted to spoil myself. These new friends are the bomb. And one of the princes is hella cute.

End of pov

As taehyung and her "new buddies" lunches on caviar, taehynng gets a text message from Hoseok

_______HUBBY LOBBY_____

->Hey you wanna go to the mall later?

-> I heard they had new art supplies in one of the stores, and I remember you said you would enter a competition.

->so you free?

//taehyung felt a little bad, but her reputation was more important. So she did what she had to do...leave him on read//

->Hey why are you not answering?

->are you ok?

->should I go pick you up?

->Tae answer me


Taehyjg just decided to put it in mute. She returns to her fancy lunch at a fancy restaurant.


Taehyung and her friends  finally leave the fancy restaurant, only to see a guy approaching them.

"Tae I was so worried"

Hoseok pulled taehyung for a hug. Her buddies began to whisper about why was he hugging Taehyung.

"Why are you here?"

"Well I was so worried-"

"Excuse me...do you both know eachother?" One of the princes asked  and looked at taehyung and Hoseok.

"N-no, Hey away from me you peasant"


Taehyung was finally outside the dorm, she felt bad for shoving Hoseok out like that. So she passed by a store and bourbon food for both of them to have a night of tv shows.

When she tried to get she swiped the hard and went inside to see nothing but the furniture. Where was Hoseok?

Taheyung left the food in the kitchen counter and went to their shared room, only to see Hoseok doing his homework.

"Hey hobi"


"I see you're doing homework...that's good...heh"


Taehyung shifted from one leg to the other she then remembered about the food.

"I um...bough food. Maybe we could have a night of tv clingiest shows?"


"Hobi talk to me"

Hoseok turned his chair around walked passed taehyung. He went to the kitchen ang grabbed a bowl and milk. He brought the box down and served himself some cereal and milk.

"Um...I-I bought food" taheyung said shyly pointing to the box of takeout. Hoseok looked at it but shrugged and walked away.

The princess.  Vhope ff ||COMPLETED||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora