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Everybody in South Korea knew about queen Taehyung's and hoseok's relationship. Every news channel would hire paparazzis to take pictures of them.

But every time they would find them to take the picture, taehyung and Hoseok would notice them. But they didn't run away, they just posed for the camera.


Right now they were in backstage getting ready to come out to a live show. A lady was doing Taehyung's makeup while Hoseok was sitting with Nani in his lap.

"Dadda why my hands small?"

"Because you're a baby"

"Why you hands big?"

"I'm an adult"

"Ok queen, I'm done with your makeup "

"Thank you" the lady bowed and left.

"Mamma pretty" Nani said

"Thank you baby girl"

For the rest of the remaining time they were relaxing on the couch if the backstage room. Nani had fallen asleep as well as taehyung.

A knock was heard and the door was opened. A head popped in looking around.

"Mr.jung? You and the queen are on in three minutes, please follow me"

Hoseok shook taehyung lightly to wake her up, "c'mon babe" he helped her stand up while he also woke up Nani.

"Where going Dadda?"

"We're going on stage"

"Hi everybody my name is alex and you're in the nightly show of alex. Tonight we have some special guests... please welcome...Queen taehyung and rapper jung Hoseok "

As they walked on stage, everybody clapped. Hoseok and taehyung sat in the couch that was provided for them.

"Thank you so much for being here, it's an honor"

"Thank you for having us" Hoseok said.

"Please tell us how you both met"

They looked at eachother as if asking who would start.

"We met in college", taehyung started, "at that time I didn't know I was a princess, so I lived a normal life with my best friend Hoseok"

"Since every dorm room was occupied they asked if taehyung could share the dorm with me. I agreed because I wouldn't like it if didn't have anywhere to stay" Hoseok said continuing.

"We began to talk and soon became best friends" taehyung said hiking hoseok's hand.

"I would always have to take care of her because she would do not so safe things. "

"So how did you found out you were a princess, Queen taehyung?"

"I was in college, painting in my art class. I got called to the principals office, and it was weird because I was a good student and I thought I was in trouble. Anyways, I walked down to the office a saw a man ima tuxedo. He said I would need to come with him. I was a bit alert because I didn't know this man. Then we reached my sister's castle, they told me someone would come and meet me so I looked around the room, then my sister came in saying I was her long lost sister and that I was a princess"

"And how did you feel?"

"I was a little bit confused, because I came from a normal family, or so I thought. But then I requested a dna test and...that was the day I found out my sisters were queens"

"That's very interesting. Now how old is little princess Nani?"

Nani looked up to her name being called, she looked at her mommy then her daddy.

"How late you Nani?" Taehyung said

"Um...two" she said sticking out two chubby little fingers.

"Do you know who they are?" The host said pointing at Hoseok and taehyung. She took her time to say their names.

"Mamma an Dadda"

"Why's my name baby?" Taehyung asked.


"And what's your daddy's name?"

"...um...hubby lobby"

The audience laughed and cooed. Nani giggles and continues to play with hoseok's hand.

"Ok, before we finish, Hoseok...I have a question for you"

"Go Ahead"

"Is it true that you're dating Queen taehyung for her status?"

Taehyung frozen, deep down she knew Hoseok didn't love her for that, but her pregnancy hormones were making her all emotional.

"No...I really don't care for her status. I'm I. Love with the taehyung I met in college. The sweet amazing taehyung that loves everything and everybody and...I really don't care if she's the queen. I wouldn't care at all if she was poor, I love my sweet amazing taehyung"

The audience cooed. Hoseok looked at taehyung kissed her hand.

"I love you honey"

"I love you too" they smiled at eachother.

"I love Cheeto puff!" Nani said.

"Thank you everybody! And good night"

Hoseok, Nani and taehyung waved. Before the camera was cut Nani ran toward the camera and said...

"Suscribe to my channel...Nani out"

The princess.  Vhope ff ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now