10. Caleb - Is it a date?

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The movie was almost over. McDonald's was ordered and we ate. Anyways as I proceeded to watch the movie. I felt Korra slowly beginning to grow tired. At some point she put her head on my shoulder as she slowly fell asleep. She looked so peaceful and adorable. Her nose would scrunch up every once in a while. Which I found adorable.

Once the movies titles came on. Meaning it came to an end. I turned off the TV and stood up carefully. Attempting to not wake up Korra. So I picked up our trash and put it in the kitchen in the large trash can she had. I go back into the living to see her still asleep.

I shake her softly to try and wake her. Her eyes slowly flutter open as she sits up looking around.

"The movie is over," I replied. She frowned after I said that. I tilt my head confused as to why her facial expressions change.

"Can you please spend the night? I don't want you driving at night and I'm paranoid," she mumbled the last two words. Staring at her hands that were in her lap. I crouch down to meet her face. As I press my lips into a thin line as I study her actions.

"Okay," I said. Her eyes met mine as if she was wondering if I was being genuine or not. So I tilt my head at her again, waiting for something. She smiled as she glanced at my lips then stood up. She grabbed my right hand as she led me upstairs.

This action made me nerves get a lot worse. Butterflies erupted into my stomach as she led me into her bedroom. Once we got their I stood by her bed. Feeling the comforter.

"I'm gonna change over here," she said. I nod as I go on my phone noticing my notifications on my social media. I scroll through my Instagram until she clears her throat. I look up at her and she's in a extra large t-shirt and some shorts.

"You look cute," I compliment her. She smiles and looks down. When she looks back up at me. We walk towards each other. Our faces only an inch or two away from each other.

This makes me nervous and I put my phone into my pocket. I look down at her figure. Studying her beautiful features. Her eyes were sparkling in this lighting in her bedroom. The muscles in her face seemed more relaxed. She licks her lips as she looks back and forth between my eyes and lips.

I put my hands on her cheeks caressing them. She shyly smiles as I smile in return. My eyes began to focus more on her lips since our faces are so close to touching. I slowly began to lean in.

She does as well. I feel her lips brush past mine softly. She pouts as I smile since I basically teased her. Her lips were full and plump and I was ready to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her but I didn't know if she was ready yet. So many thoughts and emotions were going through my brain it felt like it was going 10 miles per minute. Which is what it felt like.

My heart beat increased. Blood was rushing in my veins quickly. My cheeks were turning pink from beginning to blush. As I love every facial feature on her. She slowly closes her eyes. As I begin to lean in once again. My lips becoming super close to hers.

When all of a sudden I hear a phone ringing loudly causing us to move away from each other quickly. Scaring the absolute shit out of us.

She goes to her phone to see that it's hers that's ringing and caused our moment to be ruined. She sighs then looks at me.

"It's my brother. I'll be back," she replied as she answered it bringing the phone to her left ear as she leaves the room.

"Hey Jake," she greeted. As she goes into the next room. I sit on her bed. As I replayed the moment over and over in my head. So many emotions it felt like a dream. The moment didn't last long that's what I knew for sure.

I overthink it and sigh shaking my head. I've only known her for a little over three or four days. It's too early to kiss. She's been stuck in my mind since I bumped into her at the mall in Superdry. I shake my head once again. How does she effect me so much? It's not even real. It can't be real.

"Hey," I see her figure leaning against the door frame. She caught my attention quickly. Her hair was down and flowed so beautifully. Ugh, I want to slap myself for having her appear into my mind so much.

"Hey." I respond. She stands in front of me with her arms crossed against her chest.

"My brother was checking up on me. Kasey told him about Zach ... I just ... I also didn't think he'd call at 11:02 at night. You know?" I nod after she said that.

"Is it okay if I take off my pants and shirt? For me to sleep comfortably," I say. She nods as she gets on her full size bed and gets under the covers. I go over to door about to turn the light off and leave.

"Stay. Please?" She said. I turn around to see her sitting up wanting me to lay by her. I nod as I close the door and turn the light off. I walk close to her bed. I take off my shirt then my pants. I put my alarm clock on for when I leave here so I can twitch stream tomorrow morning.

She opens the blankets for me. I get on her bed sitting next to her. As I pull the covers over us. As we lie down. I open my arm so her head lies on my chest by the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her tracing small circles on her back.

"Goodnight Korra," I say softly.

"Goodnight Caleb," she sighs softly as she cuddles me. As I stare at the ceiling thinking about our moment. I wondered if today was a date or not. I didn't want to ask because Zach just broke up with her not so long ago.

I swear it felt like Korra and I have a connection I've never felt with anyone else. It was hard to describe. It was as if the missing peace I spent twenty four years looking for was actually in my arms sleeping peacefully. I shake my head as I sigh. I feel the tiredness kick in. I kiss her forehead feeling her cuddle me closely before I let the sleep take over.

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