59. Korra - (Caleb's Stand)

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After our five minute recess was over we returned to the room. The victim spoke, before I did. I knew she wasn't lying when she said what he did to her ... Along with what he said. Flashbacks of when he did that to me. My heart broke, I should've called it quits there. Or stopped years ago but I was stupid. Along with in "love" supposedly. I was tired of feeling victimized repeatedly.

Hearing how he called Rebecca, my name broke me. I felt uneasy, as if I were on the verge to hyperventilate but I had Jake and Caleb by my side if that we're to happen. But it felt great to talk about what he had done to me.

"Caleb Finn, take the stand." Caleb squeezed my hand before he got up and walked up there. Resting his hand on the Bible and everything. He looked anxious.

"Can you explain your relationship with Korra Langford?" Zach's lawyer asked. It's a She by the way.

"We are together, almost seven months now," He said. Answering her question.

"Did Korra ever tell you that Zach intentionally would physically harm her?" She asked him.

"Yeah, she did."

"What do you remember her telling you?" They brought out the pictures on his phone and I grew uneasy once again. I felt the baby kick and move around. I grew in awe with what was happening. In my stomach.

"Why did you stay around? Knowing Korra had a relationship with Zach?" I hear the lawyer ask. Zoning out during the past two questions and focused on the movement in my belly.

"Something told me to protect her. I knew she was in danger. I just felt like if I got to know her personally. I would tell her that she's in danger. Then, she would know to flee," Caleb explained. I wondered how Jake felt. Knowing all of it, listening to all of the details and what had happened. He was so calm it startled me a little.

"Why did you take these photos? Obviously Korra never reported what Zach had ever done," I was about to stand but Jake stopped me.

"Evidence. I knew something like this would happen. After seeing him hit her continuously back in April. I wanted to be by her side," This lawyer was pissing me off to the max.

"So you saw Zach hit Korra? What did you do to stop it? Or did you just watch it all happen?"

"Objection!" My lawyer said.

"I tackled him to the ground. He and I were physically fighting. He was trying to get to Korra who blacked out. I was fighting back," Caleb was brave. Yet, I wonder how he felt while I was on the stand talking ...

"Did you know Korra was pregnant with Zach's fetus?" She asked him.

"I was there, yes. Along with Kasey and Jake Langford," She walks around. I see Caleb glance at me then Zach.

"Are they family members of Korra Langford?" My stomach kept moving. I bet the baby was trying to distract me.

"Yes." Caleb said. Jake took in a deep breath then slowly exhale.

"Did you talk her out of the aborting?"

"It was her choice. No one necessarily wants a rape baby," the court got silent.

"No more, questions," The Lawyer finally sat down.

"Caleb, you can take a seat," The Judge said. He nodded then sat right next to me.


"Zach Harris, what happened back in June. Preferably June 16th, 2019," he looked at us then looked at the lawyer.

"I went to the bar. Trying to get Korra off my mind. I went with a friend but he wasn't down to drink," Caleb held my hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

"What happened after?" Here's the thing about Zach. He grew up admitting to his wrongs. He cheated, knew it was wrong. Skipped class, knew it was wrong. And he would feel bad for that. So if he confesses. This is it.

"I saw a girl walk past the bar. She looked gorgeous. I thought it was Korra so I ran after her. She asked who I was and told me to go away. I followed her to her home. My sight already fussy from drinking so much," I was not ready to hear what he had to say. So I leaned into Caleb thinking of anything.

He explained what happened but I zoned out. He admitted to raping her but the questions about me started. I got up and left the Court room. Caleb sat out with me. I didn't hear much but I knew what was happening.

My lawyer talked about how Rebecca Weller's story was alike mine. Knowing how afraid and hurt we were. Along with a few other things. I rubbed my stomach as they talked.

Zach's Lawyer probably was trying to defend him even though he admitted his darkest secrets in that court room. Once they all walked out, my lawyer said it was a five minute recess. So I waited for what's going to happen.


"Guilty." Is what the Jury said. Guilty. I felt sad but a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. They requested I would go to therapy or something.

Zach stands face to face with me, "I'm sorry." He gets taken away from us. We all watch him get taken away. He's going to be gone for good. For once, I felt relieved.


Sorry I haven't posted lately! I've been super ill these past week along with super busy! But I hope you liked the story!

Do you think the problems are officially over? Are we going to see Rebecca more into the story? What about Kasey? What about Luke? Do you think Caleb will tell Korra about Luke? Comment what you think!!

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