Reverse || Caleb Finn

471 11 4

( 2nd Book to Rescue Me )

It was a normal day like any other. I was getting ready to go shopping at Superdry and tell all my fans about my new clothes I had bought. Since, I love shopping at the mall. I didn't think my life would change but maybe things would be different if only ...


I wake up hearing the sound of my Cat purring. I'm back in my bedroom Lum loving up on me. I smile at her, "Good Morning Puss Puss." She purrs more as she lays next to me. I cuddle her enjoying her very presence. I sigh knowing I'll have to get up for the day.

I sit up moving the covers off of me. I sit up getting off my bed standing on the cold wooden floor. I walk into the bathroom stripping down to nothing. I start the shower and grab a towel. Hanging up on the rack. I wash myself off then rinse myself. After a while of thought processing in the shower. I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. What's causing me to feel so anxious?


I'm at the mall walking around. I've met a bunch of fans and I just proceed to walk around the mall shopping. I decided to go into Superdry to see if they have any clothes. I'm in the section by the hoodies cause I want. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She tells me trying to back away. Avoiding eye contact with me.

"Hey, it's okay. Just an accident, it happens," I tell her. Studying her features. She's pretty, I thought.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry... aaahh I'm sorry," She responded awkwardly.

"It's okay, relax. You didn't mean it," I say resting my hands on her arms. She nods as her eyes roam my face. Hitting me with realization, she was checking me out.

"Okay. Again, I apologize for running into you," She weakly smiled at me afterwards. I nod as we wave at each other. She walks out of the store not buying anything. Why was there something about her? Um ... I debate for a few minutes then shrug. Not letting it be a big deal. I finally find the hoodies and shirts. Paying for them as I'm exiting the mall, I see her with a guy. He shoves her off of him. She continues to talk to him.

I know not to walk into whatever is going on because it isn't my business. So I just walk to my car, getting in. I groan when I realize I should've done something, yet I chose not to. I sigh starting my vehicle. Heading off to do whatever else I gotta do.


( Be on the look out for this Story. It should be released on November 2nd or 3rd Enjoy Fam 🖤 )

Rescue me || Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now