34. Caleb - Finding out

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I'm getting out of my car at Korra's place. As I walk up to the driveway. I see Zach leaning against his car swinging his keys around.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, with a snarky attitude. He shrugs and looks up at me, with a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Talk to her. But, I know she's gone," He goes. As if he's talking about someone who no longer existed.

"What're you talking about?" I asked, "You don't know anything." I'm stern and stubborn. I'm not gonna let him dig under my skin.

"I know she's not in Australia. I know she's not coming back-"

"Leave. Nobody wants you here." He smirks and gets in my face. Shoves me to the ground. I get back up and punch him in the face.

"You asshole," he said. As he gets on top of me punching me every second.

"NO!" I yell as I sit up. My breathing calms down when I realize I'm in my bedroom again. I lie back down as I stare at the ceiling.

It's been two weeks with her around. I want answers. She hasn't answered my phone calls or texts whatsoever. All I can remember is the last we saw each other. I hope she's okay, not kidnapped or murdered or anything.

Then I realized. I could look up Kasey. Her sister. I go on my computer and look up Kasey Langford.

Little do I know her Facebook pops up and find her address. I exit out of it after putting it into my phone. I do my morning routine so I could find a good time to ask Kasey where Korra had vanished off too.


I walk up the steps and pound on her door. Not only to accidentally startle her but to get her attention. A minute or two, I hear shuffling and see the door open.

"What the hell-"

"Korra, I'm sorry! Where are you? Please don't hide from me," I say barging into Kasey's house as I look around.

"Caleb! She's gone," Kasey said. I look at her my eyes starting to wonder.

"Where is she!? I ... I wanna know," My voice cracks as I begin to cry. I look at her, "She didn't leave a note ... when I went to her house two weeks ago. She wasn't there, wasn't at work ..." I pause struggling to proceed with telling Kasey.

"I called different times throughout the day ... it goes straight to voicemail, I've texted her but gave up on that," Kasey closes the door. Then turns her attention back to me.

"I just want to know where she is," I look down at the ground after crying and yelling at her. I hear a sound on my right and turn to see Jake walking into the living.

"You really fell for Korra, didn't you?" Jake, Korra's brother asked. I nod as I look at my feet.

Kasey puts her lips into a thin line. She opens her mouth as if she's gonna say something. And I wait.

"She's in California. She said she needed to find herself, especially after everything... I knew she was hiding something. She probably needed to think about you," Kasey explained. I scoff after her shaking my head side to side.

"If she left without me. It's obvious she doesn't want to think about me," I say. As I rush out of their place.

"Caleb, wait!" Kasey says. I get into my car. Driving away crying my eyes out.


Bonus POV!!

Kasey's POV:

"Something happened before she left," Jake said to me. I stare at the driveway much more. Thinking about what Caleb said.

"I know when a guy is in love. It's obvious Caleb Finn is for our sister," Jake continues. I turn to Jake and sigh.

"I shouldn't have let him leave," I say. As I turn to stare at the driveway. I guess it's time to call Korra now. He knows ... but he believes something else...

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