16. Caleb - Helping out

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I sit in the hospital room with Korra. Sitting by her waiting for her to wake up. My knuckles are bloody and my eye is bruised. Adrenaline went through my veins seeing Zach hit her so many times like that. I called the emergency number as soon as I heard his name escape her mouth.

My mind has flashbacks from last night and I absolutely refuse to leave her side. It's currently 6:02am I'm extremely tired but my concern about Korra was way more important than sleep.

I see her turn and watch her eyes flutter open. She looks at me and shyly smiles.

"What happened?" She asked. I sighed looking at her hand.

"It doesn't matter. You're safe," I reply. She smiles and grabs my hand. All of a sudden a nurse and doctor come in.

"Hello Ms. Langford. I hope you get through this situation you're in. So far you're all good. Beside the hand mark on your neck," her eyes widen. Her grip on my hand tightens.

"The nurse will check your vitals. And if they are all good. We can release you," He said then left the room. Korra looks at me with a tear running down her cheek. I wipe it away staring at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly staying by her side. She shakes her head then more tears run down her soft lightly pink cheeks. The nurse finished her vitals then leaves the room.

"I want this over with," She shakes her head after she says that. I pull her close in a warm embrace. I feel her cry until she calms down at some point.

"I'll tell you what happened after we get some breakfast at Maccas," She smiles at me. Yet it's weak but she nods with me in agreement for getting some food later.

We hear a knock at the door to see a Nurse walking in, "You can be released." She takes the IV out of Korra's arm. And puts a band-aid over it. Korra stands up slowly grabbing her clothes she wore to bed last night. She comes back a minute later with those clothes on.

"Please tell me we're going to my place before we get Maccas?" She asked. The way she said Maccas made my heart melt into a small puddle of awe. (As cheesy as it sounds). She waves her hand in my face. Causing me to laugh at her.

"Yes," I responded. As she signs herself out and leaves.

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