64. Caleb - Aching & Shaking ...

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I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I notice that I'm no longer in the park anymore. I look down to see I'm in a hospital bed. And I had a sling on my left arm. I look around and see my phone next to my bed. Along with a small bag of my clothes.

"Oh good. You're awake," The Doctor says as he studies my vitals.

"What happened?" I asked completely confused as to why I was here.

"A woman saw you unconscious. Called us and we brought you here," The Doctor said. I immediately remember getting beat up by Luke and seeing Kasey watch. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"You're significant other Korra Langford is here," He says. I smile and nod.

"I wanna see her," The Doctor nods leaving the room. I sit there trying to process the fact I got my ass beat even though I fought back. I just don't plan on seeing Kasey or Luke anytime soon.

"Caleb," Korra said waddling towards me. I place a kiss against her lips as she sits down next to me. I grab her hand pulling her towards me more. Kissing her hand.

"You scared me," Korra had a frown on her face. I knew I had worried her. Lately my anxiety has been bad. It's calmed down knowing I can actually speak to people since I'm very introverted but it's still so difficult to keep tame.

"I didn't mean to," I say to her. Trying to calm her down. She can't freak out or stress. She's on the verge of baby booming.

"Who did this?" She questioned immediately. I sigh running my right hand through my hair.


"I'm serious, Caleb. This has been the second time this happened. I guarantee you, you know who did this," She sighs after explaining this. I grab her hand and look her dead in the eyes.

"Kasey and Luke." She studies me and I feel my Chest get heavy and my heart starts to beat faster. Korra notices it and hugs me.

"We need to tell someone. But, I'm here for you," Korra places a kiss against my cheek causing me to smile in happiness.


Once we get back to Korra's I go upstairs and into her guest room. I take my sling off and lie down. It's uncomfortable, sleeping with my wrist in a brace. I sigh as I lie there just wanting nothing but sleep.

The flashbacks of Luke and Kasey replay in my head, still fully processing what happened. I didn't even know I past out at the park. I'm glad Rebecca found me in time. But, she makes our world a little brighter is what it feels like.

"Caleb, do you want to take your medicine?" I hear Korra ask me. I shake my head as I keep my back to her. As much as I love her, I just don't feel alright. I'm assuming she knew what I was thinking when she sat next to me.

"It's okay, Caleb," she said rubbing my back, "To feel ... whatever you're feeling." I sigh trying to take in how gentle she's being but I mean, the least I could do is push her away.

"Okay." Is all I respond to.

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