52. Caleb - Trust Me

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( Korra's POV )

"So apparently Jake isn't living with Kasey anymore?" Caleb questioned. I shrug, it wasn't his business anyways. Caleb awkwardly nodded as if he could tell I didn't want to answer the question.

"Have you been taking care of yourself?" He asked me.

"Yes I have, Caleb. I have an ultrasound and another check up in three weeks from now," I Snap at Caleb. Hoping it got through to him.

"I just wanna know, Korra. The child is mine too," I look down at my stomach resting my hands on it once again.

"I gained four pounds. My clothes rarely fit anymore," I finally say to him.

"I'll be here for you no matter what," He tells me being genuine. I turn away looking off somewhere else. Then I feel his hands wrap around me, his hands resting on my stomach.

"Just trust me," is all he says. I nod.

"Okay." Is all I murmur.

( Jake's POV )

I hope they talk a little bit before the dinner tonight. Caleb and Korra needed to make up but with Kasey not around I think it's most likely going to happen.

What Kasey said about Korra and Luke wouldn't leave my mind. Korra and Luke kind of ... did have a friendship everyone questioned. I knew they still talked a lot. Not as much anymore due to Caleb being around. Now to think about it, did Korra's friends leave because of Zach?

( Caleb's POV )

"I'll be here for you no matter what," I tell her being completely genuine. I don't know what had her doubting me before or ever. I wrap my arms around her waist. My hands resting on her stomach.

"Just trust me." Is all I say. She nods.

"Okay." Is all she murmurs.

I don't know why she doubts me. I stayed after the whole break up between her and Zach. Back then, I just wanted to be close to her, friends. I would rather much be friends with her than not have her around period. Something always told me to watch over her even while she was with Zach. So, look at me now. Five almost six months later. As crazy as it sounds. I'm gonna be a Dad.


I sat at the booth patiently waiting for Jake and Korra's arrival. I was dressed a little decent, not too fancy. I took a sip from my wine glass and glanced at my phone every few seconds.

"Hey." I hear Korra's voice. I stand and leave the booth. They were dressed decent as well. Korra looked beautiful as always.
"Sorry we're late. Traffic was awful." I brush it off.

"I'm glad you two could make it," I say in return. Jake nods and Korra smiles shyly. We all order some food and talk amongst ourselves. Hoping anything will make it up with Korra.

"So I have a question. How did you two meet?" Jake asked out of nowhere. Korra looked at me I think wanting to know what I was gonna say. So I decided to be honest.

"We met at the mall. She accidentally bumped into at Superdry. She started apologizing like crazy because she thought I was gonna yell at her or hit her or something. I noticed some bruises and cuts on her wrist due to Zach. I realized I wanted to know her because ... something just wanted me to protect her. Little did I know, I secretly developed feelings." Korra didn't say anything just looked at me the entire time. I hope she knew I was being honest. Why lie?

"So it's true? He did hurt you?" Jake asked turning his head at Korra. I'm assuming about Zach.

"About Zach or-"

"Obviously, Zach. You two were together for six years," Jake said a little furious with Korra not telling Jake anything.

"He did after I started traveling for photography... he thought I was cheating on him. No, I was working," She sighs after telling Jake.

"Why didn't you break up with him? Or tell someone, Korra? Me and Kasey we're here for you," He said.

"We're. Past tense. Do you see Kasey now? Fuck, no. After what she did. I don't think I could ever forgive her," She said shaking her head side to side.

"She still doesn't know about the pregnancy," Jake said with his voice down a bit.

"Why does she need to know?" Korra asked with her arms crossed against her chest.

"I'm not saying she does. But, the parents do," this made Korra press his lips together into a thin line. He had a point. If the parents find out. Kasey finds out ...

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