53. Korra - Kasey's reaction

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"So what do you want me to do? Say 'Hey Mom? Dad? Just wanna let you know I got knocked up by my boyfriend," I slam my fork against the plate. A loud clank being heard.

"That's not what I'm saying. When you're ready. We can FaceTime our parents. Then we can tell them," Jake says. I look at Caleb to see him glancing at us back and forth.

"Fine. Our parents are telling Kasey eventually. I refuse to talk to her," I say to him. Hoping it makes a good compromise. Jake nods as we continue eating our food.


"Well," Caleb spoke. As Caleb and I stood on my front porch. Jake already inside our home. Yeah, Jake lives with me.

"Dinner was ... decent," I respond. He looks down at me then smiles.

"I am genuinely sorry about what I did. I will do whatever I can to have you forgive me," He explains to me. As he and I hold eye contact. His blue eyes sparkle more in the moon illuminating light. His facial features looked more gorgeous then ever.

"I love you, Korra Langford," He says to me resting his hand upon my cheek. Caressing it as he stares at me in awe.

"I love you, Caleb Finn," I say in return. This gets him to smile at me, lean in, and press his lips against mine. He kisses back then slowly pulls away. Our foreheads testing against each other's. This feeling has never felt so surreal in my life. Being able to slowly but not completely forgive the classic Caleb Finn.

Kasey's POV

I walk up Korra's steps. More like stagger. I knock on the door until Korra answered the door. She looked different, I don't know how but she did. Then, it hit me. The parents told me that she was pregnant.

"So it's true?" I slur my words.

"What?" Korra asks innocently. This makes me laugh evil like. I immediately see Caleb next to Korra.

"You're pregnant with his baby. And you have the audacity not to tell me?" I ask Korra, slurring my words as I talk.

"Kasey, go home. You're drunk," Korra says as she attempts to back away from me. I laugh evil-like again.

"Oh. So you get to go hanging around Luke Hemmings back in high school then all of a sudden your a slut?" I chuckle then shake my head, "Damn, Korra. You just keep going huh?"

"Kasey, that's enough," Caleb said pulling Korra closer to him. I notice her small baby bump I sigh.

"I'll take her home," Jake says grabbing his cars. Jake grabs my arm and takes me away from them.


I am truly sorry about not updating on time. I am super tired but I hope you all like the story! Love you all ❤️😘

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