Game (Toogata Mirio)

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"Why is it so cold tonight?" You rub your arms, glancing around to see if your friend is anywhere in sight; they had disappeared completely with their car, leaving you stranded out in the icy evening. You really shouldn't have gotten separated from them, you should've known with their air-headed ways they'd forget you were with them and just leave.

You stand at the bus stop and hope a bus comes through soon, trying to find the bus schedule online when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Take my jacket. It's cold outside." You glance back at him and notice who he is immediately; Toogata Mirio, top three at U.A., a lot of positive things coming for his future. You hesitate to take his jacket but it's clear he wants you to, and since you don't wish to lose any limbs to frostbite, you quickly wrap yourself in its warmth.

"Is this what heroes do now? Walk around and give people their jackets?" You tease him, and he chuckles in response.

"When I see a person in need, I can't help but help them." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Especially when they look as beautiful as you."

"Do you look up cheesy lines to say to people you meet?" You're blushing now, holding his jacket a little tighter to you, it smells like warm vanilla, it's comforting.

"Nah, I'm just an honest person." He shrugs his shoulders, "What else could I say to make an impression on you?"

"Offering your jacket was a nice start." The bus comes into view, and you stop just before you get on, "Here's my number. Call me when you need your jacket back, alright?"

'Wow,' Mirio thinks to himself as he watches you take a seat on the bus, 'She knows how to play the flirting game better than I can.'

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