Fort Mirio (Toogata Mirio)

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Your living room was an absolute disaster area.

There's blankets thrown over all the couches, chairs, and anything taller than 3 feet, with some play tunnels between each of the larger tented sections. You're missing a few small wooden tables, too, which you're assuming is what's helping hold up this fort. You stare at the mess for a few more seconds before calling out to your husband.

"Oh honey," You hum out, "I thought we had a deal that when I got home, all the toys would be cleaned up so we could go out for dinner."

You glance at the sheets that begin to move around and you watch the two smaller lumps dart off in separate directions, while the larger one heads towards the tunnel closest to you. A sheepish looking husband exits, smiling and rubbing his head, wanting to appear innocent in it all. You cross your arms, eyes darting to the blanket wonderland in your living room, waiting for an explanation.

"Look... they wanted to build a pillow fort, not me."

"I forgot how you were a slave to the children." You grab both sides of his face, squishing his cheeks affectionately before planting a loving kiss on his forehead. "Any room for me in there?"

You hear your children's muffled cheers from somewhere deep in the tunnel fort.

"Of course!"

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