One Bed (Hawks)

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"There's only one bed."

This was the beginning of an interesting night.

You had tried to convince him to sleep on the floor, but he insisted the soreness would bother him the next morning when the two of you had to be on top of your game. You then decided to take the floor, but he protested once more, telling you not to be such a baby and that he wouldn't mind if you took advantage of him while you slept next to him. It's awkward, but deciding to just act professional, and with no other satisfactory option available, you find yourself in bed with Hawks that night.

"This is real romantic, isn't it?" It was dark in the room but you could tell he was smirking, and you felt one of his wings jostle against you.

"Keep your wings in your own space, Hawks!"

"Sorry, sorry... they like to stretch every once in a while."

The day had been a long for you both, on an 'undercover' mission to spy on a new syndicate of villains that were beginning to gain traction downtown. You were both pretending to be on other business, gathering all the evidence you could before returning to home base and reporting your findings to the other heroes, who would then decide what the best course of action to take would be. Just thinking about how much walking, talking, and snooping the two of you had to do all the while acting like you were just minding your own business was absolutely exhausting.

You're in a deep sleep, dreaming of being surrounded by the absolute softest clouds you'd ever felt in your life (you never actually felt a cloud before, but you assumed it was much like cotton candy but cold). It's only when a cloud abruptly smacks you in the face that you wake up, but you find yourself being restrained. Panicking, you squirm around, thinking perhaps a villain had caught on and had you pinned, but when the softness from your dreams is mirrored in reality, you take in what's happening around you.

Hawks was laying on his stomach, peacefully asleep on his side of the bed, but with his wings spread out at a more comfortable angle, spreading out across your abdomen while the other touched the floor. The room is dimly lit from the brightness of the moon but you can see some ruffled feathers on his back, mostly like from him trying to keep his wings in their space while he was laying on his back (he had seemed uncomfortable, but didn't let on his true feelings).

You consider trying to move his wing over more, but considering he looked comfortable (and his feathers were incredibly soft and warm) you decided to let it pass. There's a lot of temptation to 'pet' him but that seems creepy to you; it's not as though you're stroking a pet bird, but another human. Under the guise of moving to a more comfortable position, you gently touch his wing, running your fingers over some of the finer feathers and smiling at how they feel. You didn't know what you had expected, but these feathers were well taken care of.

You fall asleep in no time with the warmth of Hawks next to you, and the next morning, you wished you'd never woken up at all.

"So..." Hawks is smirking at you in a way that's irritating, but you try to ignore him, knowing he had tendency to cause mischief with no real reason. "I didn't realize you were going to take my up on my offer to grope me last night. I did give you permission, but-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Hawks expands his one wing with his hand, "Look, some ruffled feathers from foreplay with my lovely bed partner last night."

"Ruffled-?! You were just awake last night, you ass!"

"Hey, hey, relax!" He holds up his hands defensively. "There were other areas I thought you'd aim for first, but I've never had someone stroke my wings so lovingly. It was actually kind of-"

"We are never sleeping in the same hotel room again."

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