Notorious (Bakugou Katsuki)

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Bakugou was a little too notorious for his own good.

You know your parents didn't approve, no matter how much you told them about him. You knew Bakugou couldn't give a damn less about their opinion which you knew would also just end up rubbing them the wrong way, but you planned on doing your best to keep tonight peaceful. He had promised to be on his best behavior when he met your parents, but you're not sure how long he'll hold out against them when their feelings about him are so clear.

He's polite when he first enters and you're relieved, because as long as he kept calm, there'd be no need for them to give you looks or scold you. They're not dishonest about their feelings from the start, though, letting him know they saw his behavior as uncouth and unbecoming of a hero. You hold his clenched hand under the table, stroking the soft skin and praying internally he'd just take the verbal beating from them and get it over with.

"I don't treat your kid bad." Bakugou crosses his arms. "They mean the world to me, and I'll protect them until the day I fuckin' die! You don't have to give two shits about me if you don't want to but they care about me, so get the hell over it."

At the end of the night it's clear that they weren't going to see on even playing grounds, but it didn't matter. You stood up for him when you could, and you were determined to be with him until you both decided whether the relationship was worth it or not. It wasn't your parents decision to make (as Bakugou had stated previously) and you were going to stick by that, regardless of what they had to say.

Being in love wasn't easy, but it would be worth it.

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