My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 25

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Part 25

Ok! Who's the traitor?! Find out, here!


Alex's POV

We got inside and Pam went to go sit with Pen, and Sam. Me and Alec went to the podium.

Alec thought to me, that we were going to have to be careful about what we say because I traitor is here somewhere. I told him no, because I knew that none of these guys would betray us willingly, because they were all sincere and kind. I knew that whoever did tell the rouges our plan, were being threatened, and they were just as scared and worried as we were.

"Hey, guys. As you already know the rouges have taken Suzy, Jay, Lauren, and Ty. They took one kid from every school. They didn't take the college or university kids because they were well trained." I started off, slowly, and just to inform everyone.

"Alex thinks they know this because she their might be someone here who is being threatened by the rouges or is doing it willingly." Alec said, explaining.

"I'm not accusing anyone, but if you are being threatened, please tell us. We won't be mad, and we'll help you get back whatever their threatening you with. I'm just as worried as all of you, trust me. Jay looks really sweet and is a tough guy. Ty will make sure to protect Lauren and the little kids, I know he will. Suzy's like a little sister to me, and I really do love her. I don't want anyone to get hurt. So if your being threaten, please tell us so we can help you." I told them, hoping that someone would speak up.

A hand rose up, John. They're threatening him. No one can tell though. Am I the only one that can tell?! What did they have the John held dear to him? A mate! But who's his mate?

"Yah, John?" Alec asked, confused like everyone else.

"Can I please talk to you, alone?" he asked, nervous and jittery.

They're threatening John with his mate! I thought to Alec, as we took John upstairs, and told everyone to stay.

What?! John doesn't have a mate! Alec thought.

Maybe he does, but didn't tell anyone. Who's closest to him? I thought back.

Rebecca. She and John are best friends. She's not here though. Alec thought, catching on.

John's mate is Rebecca and the rouges kidnapped her so they could use John to get information. I explained to him.

Geez! How did you come up with that?! He thought. Even I didn't know and I've known them forever. You've only been here 2 days!

"I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry. They got Rebecca. They said if I told anyone, they'd kill her but I just can't deceive you guys!" John said, really scared now, and panicky.

Poor John! He's had to go through this all alone! I thought.

"She's your mate isn't she? It's ok, we're not mad. I'm actually really happy, that you told us. It's kind of late, but you told us, anyway. Do you know what they're planning to do? Anything you know, you need to tell us." I told him, calmly.

His shoulders started shaking, violently. He looked scared and worried. I can't believe no one saw this!

"All I know is that, they know Lauren and Ty are siblings. They knew that before I told them. They want Lauren and Ty for some reason, their important to them, a piece to the puzzle, they think. Jay is also very important, they wouldn't tell me what, thought. Suzy knows something that no one knows and Alex is the key, the key to something big. They wanted you too but you were always too close to Alec, Brendan and Oscar, the three strongest. They want you because your powerful or something, not because your Alec's mate, but that helps. Your some key, they said." he said.

Ok, so Lauren and Ty are a piece to the puzzle, they think. So their not sure. I'm the main goal, though, it seems. I'm the key. Jay is important for some reason, unknown. Suzy knows something no one knows.

How could she know something no one knows? Zane. Zane tells Suzy everything! She told me the night I shifted.

"Zane!" I said, and dashing downstairs, leaving Alec and John, confused.

I ran all the way downstairs with Alec yelling at me, to slow down. I ignored his comments and kept running. When I got downstairs, I saw Zane sitting on the couch. I ran up to him, I stopped and panted, trying to regain my breathing. Alec came down, with John behind him. Everyone was quiet now, staring at me and Zane.

"Zane. Suzy told me that you tell her everything. Is it true?" I asked him.

"I don't tell her everything. Just the things she needs to know." he answered back.

"Then you must know that they took Suzy because she had information no one else has. That you might have told her." I told him.

He looked shocked, and surprised, and astonished at the same time (no they're not the same thing).

"What could they want that I told her? I don't think I told her anything that could put her in danger." he said.

"Then how else would Suzy know something that no one else knows?" I asked.

"Come here, Alex." he said, motioning for me to get closer. I came closer, and he kept motioning for me to get closer.

He whispered something in my ear, that changed my life. It changed everything I knew about myself. It changed everything I knew to be true since I was born.

"Ask, your parents, and Suzy's. They know something, that both you and Suzy need to know. Suzy was told, you were going to be told." he whispered.


What the heck does that old man mean?! Your wondering right?! Well I'll tell ya later.

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