My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 47

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Part 47

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Alex's POV

When I opened the door, to Alec's dorm, I heard two cute voices.

"Alex!" Sam and Suzy yelled.

"Sam! Suzy!" I yelled, crouching down.

They both wanted me to pick them up! So I went into the living room, and I sat down, putting them on my lap, one on each leg. They smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Hey! I missed you!" I said, hugging them.

"Alex went to see Andrew?" Suzy asked.

"Yes, I did. He's coming, tonight at the Full Moon." I told her.

"Yay! We get to be a family!!!" She yells.

"Yah, it'll be nice." I breath out, trying not to cry at her words.

How long had I wished for a real family? Since my parents forgot my 10th birthday, because that was the day I knew we weren't a family.

"Sissy what's wrong?" Suzy asks, putting her hand on my cheek.

"Is Alex sick?" Sam asks, putting his hand on my other cheek.

I take both their hands and kiss them, I pull them closer, crushing them. I really love these two! Their so small, and blissfully innocent, like I wish to be.

"Nothings wrong and I'm not sick. I'm just tired, I guess." I told them.

It was true, nothing was wrong, that they needed to know and I wasn't sick, and I was tired, just not physically. I was just emotionally and mentally tuckered out.

"Take a nap! Alex use to tell me that if I get tired take a nap." Sam suggested.

"Yah, I should but I have lots if things to do before I take a nap. Thank you for telling me." I told him, kissing his cheek then Suzy's.

"Do those things first and fast then take a nap." Sam carried on.

"Yah, but they take a looooooong time and I can't do them without everyone else. Don't worry I'm ok." I told him, stretching to make him giggle, it worked.

"Ok, wanna come help me make dinner?" I asked.

"Yes!" they both said.

"Are you both staying for dinner? I know Sam is but what about Suzy?" I asked.

"Can I go ask Mary and Jess?" she asked back.

"Sure, go ahead. You want me to come?" I asked.

She said she'd go by herself. I let her, and then I noticed Alec had been watching us the whole time. He was just staring at me, Sam, and Suzy, watching our exchange. I only noticed when Suzy walked pass him. Sam got up and went to the kitchen.

"How long have you been there?" I asked, curious.

"The whole time. You really love little kids, huh?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"Yah, I really do. These two, Suzy and Sam are the ones I love most though. They're so sweet, and blissfully innocent. They have no idea what's going on." I told him, looking down.

"Alex? Are you really tired or did you just make that up?" Alec asked.

"I'm not tired, physically, just mentally and emotionally. I've just had to deal with a lot. I wish I go back to when I never knew all of this. Life was a lot easier, when I didn't." I told him, putting my head in my hands.

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